A fully armed high schooler making his way down town, walking fast with a baby sitting on the tip of a bow [i]might[/i] have been something of a striking sight by the standards of everyone who considered themselves to be functioning members of society and not, say, members or conscripts of an international crime syndicate. Furthermore to anyone in the group designated 'functioning members of society', Minase Hideaki would politely but firmly request for you to mind your own goddamn business you piece of fucking shit...please and thank you. Anyway, with Fon seated comfortably upon Hideaki's shoulder-hanging bow, the two made their way to the designated meeting place as the second-to-last latest people. Or the latest people, Asuka probably wouldn't be showing up anytime soon. And if anybody asked, the young archer could, with complete sincerity, say he had absolutely nothing to do with the poor, unfortunate situation that irritating woman was trapped in. Because he didn't. For real. Even if he [i]really[/i] wanted to have done so, he did not. For Minase Hideaki was a proper Japanese (who was actually mostly Korean but we don't talk about that in polite company) man of honor and dignity who respects the sanctity of pure-hearted maidens... Yeah no. This is the two-faced bastard who would gladly [s]grope[/s] yank the tails of a youkai-woman in order to seize a tactical advantage in combat ([i]and nothing else.[/i]) and whose first reaction to seeing a 'pure-hearted maiden' ([color=bc8dbf]'Ha. As if she could ever be called [i]that[/i]'[/color]) in trouble against a superior foe is attacking them himself. Unsurprisingly, he had no friends. [i]Real[/i] friends that is. If you counted those pathetic sycophants known collectively as the 'Nami Middle Student Body', he had [i]plenty[/i] of 'friends'. Why was this relevant? Simple: Because bonds were about to become just a little bit more important in the life of Minase Hideaki. Or not. He's the Cloud Guardian Candidate after all. And then Hide was on the roof. Yay. ----But first things first: [color=lime]"Oi tails where's the baby?"[/color] It was not addressed to him, no. But he had heard it loud and clear. Hide turned to Naoki. He then turned to Fon but said nothing. He just needed to make sure Fon was still there, and he was. Hide looked back at Naoki. [color=bc8dbf]"..."[/color] Hide resisted the overwhelming urge to punch Naoki in the face. Shine on, Hide. Shine on. Unfortunately since Luca was busy standing in the doorway leading to the actual rooftop, Hide once again quote-unquote: [quote=@Grey] kind of just stood there at the door looking sassy. [/quote]