[center][b]Name:[/b] Marcus Skylark Age: 1350 Archon of: Light and Dark[/center] [center][hider= Marcus][img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090315071220/metalgear/images/0/05/Mgs-sketch-liquid.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [b][u]Physical Attributes[/u][/b] [b]Apearance:[/b] Standing at 6 feet 3 inches Marcus appears to be in peak physical condition, though closer inspection reveals that much of his body is cybernetic. Including much of his chest, his right arm, and both legs [b]Physical Weaknesses:[/b]As much of his body is now cybernetic, he has predefined limits and cannot cross them, no matter how hard he tries. He is extremely vulnerable to weapons with an Electro Magnetic Pulse, if he his hit with a significantly damaging blast from one the circulation device that replaced his heart will be shut off. [b]Physical Strengths:[/b]As most of his body is cybernetic, he has immense stamina, and can win fights through sheer attrition, additionally while it is limited, he possesses immense speed and physical strength. Though he risks damage to both his implants and himself if he overclocks them too much. [u][b]Mental Attributes[/b][/u] [b]Personality:[/b] The man that Marcus is now is far, far different from the one he used to be. At one time he kept an adventurous outlook on life, though somber over the death of his parents. Now however the war against Ragnarok has taken its toll, having come so far and so close twice before he has become a much more severe and cynical individual, perfectly willing to cut corners and blur the lines in order to get to his goal. In combat he becomes alive, often laughing or grinning like a madman as he brushes with death again and again. One could be forgiven for assuming that he's throwing himself at Ragnarok again and again in the hopes of being eventually killed. [b]Likes:[/b] Fighting, shooting, a tall flask of Whiskey, sleeping [b]Dislikes:[/b]Being injured, children, Ragnarok, waking up [b]Phobias:[/b]Failing, death, being helpless [u][b]Background[/b][/u] [b]Biography:[/b] Marcus has not had the best of lives. Having witnessed the murder of his parents, he was taken in by a close friend of his father's, who fought with him in the later stages of the war. The man taught him the foundation for his fighting style, raised him to be cunning and sharp minded, and generally into the perfect soldier against Ragnarok. Unfortunately before Marcus turned 18 the man was found murdered in his own home. It didn't take him long to figure out who arranged the deed to be done. Marcus then began a long roaring rampage of revenge, culminating in the theft of his starship, and the gathering of the Archons. Unfortunately Ragnarok was prepared, and due to his brash arrogance mixed with furious rage the attempt was an utter disaster that nearly ended in his death. He was saved at the last minute by the spirit of the recently deceased Archon of Time and sent back to have another chance. Little did he expect a deranged clone of himself waiting for him, a sociopath that stalked his every move and set about to murdering those he cared about. The experience sobered him greatly, and he realized that cooperating with his fellow inheritors would be necessary for victory, not just throwing them towards the enemy and expecting them to come out stronger like he had. Unfortunately the realization came too late and before he knew it all but the Archon of Time and the Archon of Water were lost, faced with losing again he urged the Time Archon to send them back [u][b]Combat Information[/b][/u] [b]Typical form of combat:[/b] Prefers to stay tactically flexible at all times, but more often then not will engage in melee in combat. [b]Preferred Team Role:[/b] Frontline Vanguard/Berserker [b]Weapon:[/b][hider= Raiden][img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/8d1b/th/pre/i/2013/028/6/1/tactical_swords_by_jonwelch-d5t2a0e.jpg[/img][/hider] After he picked up the weapon it changed in appearance to suit him, rather than his father before him. [b]Unique Equipment:[/b] The ship that he calls home, The [i]Leviathan[/i] Additionally he carries with him a memento from an old mentor, A Mateba Unica 6 Autorevolver