Spectre had just left his ship, he'd flown out to Venus just after breakfast and was now arriving back a large bag at his side. Torren spoke up. "You know the Speaker and Zavala told you not to sneak in fruits from Venus, Guardians aren't supposed to leave the Tower." Spectre clicked his helmet off as Torren placed it in storage for him. "Relax, besides rations are getting thin with the recent attacks and-" He Hunter cut off by a taller stepping in his way, Zavala. Zavala spoke to him in voice that carried dignity and contempt for the Hunter before him. "What's in the bag Hunter?" Spectre grinned and punched himself in the shoulder, his gauntlets did the rest as turned invisible and ran away. He rushed off the side off the building and leaped. Torren spoke as they fell. "You realize he'll just punish you later?" The Ghost ignoring the danger of the fall. Spectre rolled his eyes watching carefully. "Torren, Cayde still owes me for breaking him out of Tower duty last week, Ikora thinks what I'm doing is noble." He stuck his tongue out at the Ghost before he jumped off the air twenty feet from ground jumped again just before impacting the ground. He learned how to survive jumps like that the day Eris had requested a fireteam investigate Crota, he'd jumped into the Hellmouth... Not an experience worth repeating. They didn't make it to far in just cleared out a few things for a later fire team. He landed in the street, of by now he had returned to being visible and Zavala would have Titans down here in a heartbeat to secure him. Yet arranged outside were close to twenty children, he sat down and began to pass out fruit to them. Then his ghost materialized the guide book Guardians were given, most of these were passed between generations of Guardians each left notes. However on the first page of his guide book had been a excerpt of a poem, one he read constantly and told the orphans who he visited. Even the normal crowds gathered to here a Guardian read, he was hope to them. The Hunter read softly the children crowding in close to him. "Now this is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky, and the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die. As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth forward and back; for the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack." He said before standing up. Giving out the rest of the food one little girl tugged on his cloak. He looked at the child before and she asked a question many novice Guardians had once asked him. "What does the poem mean?" Torren and Spectre exchanged knowing glances. "It means my strength is my pack, you and everyone else in the city. That your strength is me, the wolf who protects you from harm." She smiled at that and ran off to join her friends. He turned the page and looked at the name that sat above his own in book. His name next to a true legends, Andral Brask the former Hunter Vanguard. As he put the book away a Titan had arrived to escort him back upstairs. Torren looked at him. "I really hope we don't get another one of Ikora's 'special assignments', last time we nearly died." Spectre chuckled that had been a fun assignment.