[center] [color=00FA9A][h2]Yuna Hōjō[/h2][/color] [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/1zeed76.jpg[/IMG] [color=00FA9A][i][b]"There's always another way. Always."[/b][/i][/color] o---ooo------------------o----------------------ooo------------------o----------------------ooo---o [/center] The deathly howls of the Hokage sent a shiver down her spine. Yuna had never heard such pain curdling cries come from someone before. During her time a shinobi she had never witnessed such an event as this. Granted, she was still relatively new to having moved to Konohagakure, but if she had realized that something like this could happen here, she probably wouldn't have come with her parents. Her daughter comes before everyone else, including this village. What kind of environment is she raising her daughter in where people get assassinated by their own people, comrades, friends... Keeping herself still and composed, she watched coldly as several of the others bowed to the assailant once she revealed herself to be Ayame Choko. Yamato, Daiki, Chen, though the latter seemed to have some kind of malicious psychosis that made her suddenly eerily suspicious of him, Yuna shook her head in parental disappointment, saddened by the unfortunate turn of events lead by none other than the Hokage's Assistant herself and that by bowing to her, they were condoning her act. She sidestepped out of the way awkwardly, as Tatsuya, the genin she had praised from before, began emptying out his stomach on the ground, almost getting her. She frowned softly at him, as if pitying the poor boy. He looked so pale and sickly. This was such a brutal display he shouldn't have had to see, well, seeing as it SHOULDN'T have happened at all. She stepped over to him as he was raised back up by the Hyuuga jonin. In a motherly fashion, she placed her hands on both sides of his face, as if cradling his face in her delicate palms. Yuna closed her eyes. [b][color=00FA9A]"Secret Medical Technique: Touch"[/color][/b], she whispered, as a warming and soothing sensation rushed under his skin, through his veins and over his entire body. The sickly, queasy feeling he was feeling before, would cease, and be replaced with a calming and relaxed sensation throughout. Like the after effects of an extremely thorough and supernatural massage. Releasing her hands from his face, she briefly smiled pitifully at him. But he wasn't the only one to react emotionally and physically as well. A blonde boy produced a rasengan in a burst of outrage, but was stopped by his female comrade. And even when the presence of another female jonin was made present, but suddenly stopped by Mr. Maru, this truly showed how flawed this entire situation was. It was so immoral, so wrong, so un-called for. What kind of world was she trying to perpetuate by doing this? One where everyone just kills if they don't agree? One where everyone just takes, just because they want it? [color=00FA9A][i]This didn't have to be this way. There's always another way this could have been resolved. How discouraging.[/i][/color] And the boy with the dog shared her same sympathies. This wasn't the type of Hokage she wanted her daughter to be raised under. She stood there hands grasped together in front of her as she pushed some of her long ginger hair behind her ear. She simply looked down in sadness, as if attending a funeral, listening without watching as Mr. Maru approached Ayame and the trench-coat wearer to arrest them, hopefully peacefully. Yuna wouldn't approve of what they did. Not what SHE did. The young medical-nin wouldn't condone it. She'd comply for the sake of her daughter, but she had lost all respect for this woman. For what she did, for what she stood for, for what she wanted to achieve. This act overtook anything the woman may have envisioned for the future. Shaking her head in grave disappointment, she'd live smart and act mature and agree for the future of her daughter. But there was one thing she wouldn't do. [color=00FA9A][i]I shall never bow to this woman.[/i][/color]