this is my log for my great great spam game coming soon..! this is only the first game starring 4 of spam's greatest all stars. the next game will feature more of spams all stars. There are four playable characters and four bosses. they are nat, broby, sherlock holmes, and jorick. the story is that jorick used his mind control device on the others and now they turned evil, so you have to go defeat them to save them. Then you have to find Jorick and destroy his mind control device. Every boss is already complete, [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] for each boss there will be 2 levels to get to them. So far I have already made the two levels for nat's ponyland. [img][/img] right now there is only one playable character, but that will change very soon. those are shitty nat clones and shitty nat cloners