"I said I could also have you done today if you so chose, Miss. If you do not wish to stay here, so be it. However, I cannot let the dwarf, sorry if you prefer to not be referred to as such, leave this place in good conscious before he is fully healed. A patch job could easily lead to the wound reopening, worsening or becoming infected." As she spoke to Izzy, she worked, covered her wounds with a strange salve that burned the wounds and was cold to the touch. Her fingers worked quickly, almost as if spurred on by magic such that by the time the word infected left her mouth, all the wounds had been salved and Kayleth began wrapping her up in bandages. Durin sat against the wall, staring blankly at the women. He was either bored, or starting to pass out from blood loss. "However, if what you say is true, that the village needs you to survive in the near future, then I will make an exception. However, I will have to have somebody, either myself or my wonderful assistant watch him to make sure he doesn't stress the wound and bleed out. Or if he does overextend himself, be at hand to make sure he doesn't get everyone killed." Kayleth patted Izzy on the shoulder and stepped to the side, completely finished with patching up Izzy's injuries. "You can get dressed again, dear." The healer turned to grab a new set of jars and tools so she could get to work on the dwarf. [@IcePezz] [@The Fated Fallen] [hr] Red found his progress impeded almost immediately by Ashara, who seemed to come out of nowhere, even for his sharp senses. "I'm going to have to ask you to return to the front of the store. We cannot have anybody wandering through our supply rooms." She spoke politely, but firmly to the man who towered over her, not a hint of apprehension present as she addressed the predatory man. [@The Harbinger of Ferocity]