[b][center](Let the Kolossal Kaiju Kombat begin! IT'S TIME TO FIGHT!)[/center][/b] [u][b][center][h2]ROUND 1: THE GODDESS OF VENGENCE[/h2][/center][/b][/u] [center][img]http://images-cdn.moviepilot.com/images/c_fill,h_900,w_600/t_mp_quality/iw2w05pldjtyofmvruzg/great-books-that-need-movies-that-aren-t-obnoxious-y-as-497775.jpg[/img][/center] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7J4YBy1lmk&index=1&list=LLyeiGU9F_Gu-L_W_4PPdkXQ[/youtube][/center] [center][b]0:35[/b][/center] [b]Location: Boston, Massachusetts[/b] Just 15 minutes ago, one would see the city of Boston as a safe and historical city, being one of the oldest in America. With both new and historical buildings and packed with 12 million citizens, it was a very popular and very densely packed city. However, strangely though, never had a kaiju even thought of attacking this city, making it seem a lot safer then others. The citizens of the city had never feared a kaiju attack on their grounds considering its history... yet some people were very fearful.. And they had every right to be. Now in the present day, that fear had just become a reality! Rising from the Boston Harbor, a massive 100 meter kaiju known as Nemesis can be seen, with her bluish-grey skin, her yellow 'spheres' pulsing with energy, giant sharp claws, teeth, and a long tail, with the addition of two glowing yellow eyes. And shouldn't I mention that she seemed really, REALLY pissed off? The kaiju emits an ear-piercing shriek as she hurtles a ship towards the houses by the dock, destroying two homes. And with a strategic tail swipe, she takes out six other buildings. Thankfully, the military arrived on scene and tried to take her out with everything they got, yet their bullets and missiles were no match for the sheer power of Nemesis, the portrayed God of Vengeance! The kaiju fires a beam of plasma energy, taking out a big chunk of the military force as she begins to move deeper and deeper into Boston towards the downtown region. This was bad. [b]REAL BAD.[/b] The general looking over the operation knew that their assault on Nemesis is futile. They need bigger guns, bigger weapons, something that can combat this threat! He leans into his comn and tries to contact the military for immediate reinforcements. [b]"We're gonna need a bigger gun..."[/b] he says as he stands in awe of the kaiju's wake. If they don't get something to combat this kaiju, then Boston is going to be flattened into nothing but rubble!