[center][b]Name:[/b] Paul Hetfield Age: mid to late 30s Archon of: Time[/center] [center] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/9563/th/pre/f/2015/045/5/5/templar_connor_by_jellygrace-d8i2f2g.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] [b][u]Physical Attributes[/u][/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] Paul is relatively thin, but still muscular (so pretty much a swimmer's build). While he once focused on his strength, his use of dagger has caused him to adapt to make himself more agile, with his training allowing himself to move incredibly quickly, usually meaning he can kill at least two grunts before their synapses can register his being there. He's fairly tanned, and his once relatively clean body is heavily scarred and bruised, remnants of his many battles. [b]Physical Weaknesses:[/b] Whereas he could once lift entire foes and at least throw off heavier ones, Paul's changing of his training focus has left him devoid of those abilities. Unless there is a weak-point to be exploited, Paul is often useless against heavier enemies. While years of training has left him with incredible prowess in the use of his abilities, he still has his limit and extending himself can leave him drained. [b]Physical Strengths:[/b] Paul can move faster than one would think, with his lightning fast dagger strikes being able to quickly and seemingly effortlessly cut through hordes of enemies. His enhanced reflexes allow him to process information quickly, which with his agility makes him good at dodging. [u][b]Mental Attributes[/b][/u] [b]Personality:[/b] At the beginning of his journey, Paul was a naive young man with a sarcastic wit and a twitchy impulse. He's been fighting for so long that he has been changed, going from a light-hearted adventurer to a cold-hearted warrior. This isn't just a game to him anymore, this time he's playing to win. Because of this, to your average fellow (or, say, up-and-coming Archon) he can come off as needlessly brutal. His justification for this is that he's seen too many of his friends die to spare these monsters. The only two people that he lets his guard down around is the Archon of Light and the Archon of Water, respectively, as they are the two who have been with him since the beginning. Only with them can anyone still see the Paul that once was, the sarcastic and energetic fellow that the war has forced him to leave behind. [b]Likes:[/b] Archon of Water, Archon of Light, revenge, [s]coffee cream[/s] [b]Dislikes:[/b] losing, friends dying, naivety, [s]gypsies[/s] [b]Phobias:[/b] people close to him dying, insects, failure [u][b]Background[/b][/u] [b]Biography:[/b] Paul was born to a regular mortal mother and an Archon father. His mother died from West Nile virus at the age of four, and while it didn't have much of an effect on him, it certainly effected his father. His father became extremely protective, teaching his son how to fight the way he had. The two did almost everything together, although at the the age of fourteen his father passed away from unknown causes. While his father was a privateer, Paul himself chose to take up a much less noble profession: pirating. Amassing a crew at a remarkably young age, he took whatever he pleased and all that jazz until he was discovered by the Archon crew. He left his life behind him and joined the Archons, moving from the sea to space as a brash adventurer. He fought valiantly, but eventually his world was brought crashing down as one-by-one his fellow Archons were slain mercilessly, all except for one his closest friend, Marcus, and his lover, Maya. With Paul using the full extent of his power, the three of them were sent back in time in order to give them all another chance to finally beat Ragnarok. In this new timeline, Paul is taking less risks and has done away with morality. Paul has already died in one timeline (albeit, that was a slightly different Paul) and narrowly escaped another timeline. This time, he's determined to win. [u][b]Combat Information[/b][/u] [b]Typical form of combat:[/b] Paul is lightning-fast as he gets up close and personal with his dagger. He fights dirty, and will do whatever it takes to beat an enemy. Watch your tender bits, bad guys. [b]Preferred Team Role:[/b] Infiltrator [b]Weapon:[/b] A dagger, formerly his father's, which channels his unique abilites. [hider=Dagger][img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/9499/f/2010/155/d/5/the_dagger_of_time_by_raphael_lacoste.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Unique Equipment:[/b] He always carries around an old pocket watch of his father's