As Shawn took steps toward the city he pulled the crowbar from his bag and held it in both hands. He noticed Olivia become more focused she was in survival mode. He closed his eyes for a second bringing his training to the front of his mind. His smile vanished and his eyes started to look for shambling movement. He followed Olivia's lead and gathered items they both needed. Thankfully the city held a lot of stores and cars. The crowbar was a million dollar tool. Bashing the windows and prying off locks opened opportunities. Shawn made a point to grab stuff like a bicycle air pump. He also found the jack pot of a battery jumper system. He strapped that to the bottom of his pack on the out side. A couple of lighters were always useful. Cop cars had the best in survival gear Shawn picked up a couple of handcuff pairs and some spare keys. One of them held some vests and light riot gear. Hitting the stores on the way gave most of the granola bars and water. Beef jerky was something Shawn brought to Olivia's attention. Teriyaki flavored and pepper jack. he grabbed them and took the time to pack as munch as he could in a single bag to reduce the space used. Shawn snuck in some tooth paste and deodorant. He filled the outer pockets with tape aspirin and more aspirin. All the first aid went into the lining of his jacket. Shawn started to look fat. It didn't take long for Shawn's bad to become heavy. As the sun started to set she mentioned the weather was looking like it would snow. Shaw said in a low tone. "Yea the dark made things harder we should head back with what wee got before the night gives the walkers an advantage. We can use the time to talk about getting to Canada." He looked around the area for a second. "We can leave earlier tomorrow morning while it's still cold out. They should be stiff enough. We should off load now and star heading back."