[center][img]http://i57.tinypic.com/2e2ozra.jpg[/img] [h2][color=fuchsia][b]Aoi Don Maquia[/b][/color][/h2] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9zQFOJsijw]Illusion[/url][/center] [hr] Aoi slowly tilted her head in slight confusion when Katsu randomly showed up and did what he usually did. Unfazed by his entrance, his words were what made the clown somewhat unsure a to what they were going to do. In her head she had already made a plan with Akio but he some how talked as if they didn't actually have one. Good thing the Tendou had the eloquence to tell him off and resume what they were doing. The problem was that they wouldn't actually have time to execute any of it for the simple reason that the Hokage was almost instantly killed after the masked man had frightened the bunch. It was hard to keep up at this point for the harlequin kept her stare fixed on the black man's agonizing face, unsure what she should make of this. Was it a failure or was the mission impossible to begin with? Was this even a mission? Shouldn't the Hokage defend his people against such overwhelming foes and not the contrary? The simple minded Aoi's thoughts were akin to someone like Tsukiko, she could only sniff out the weakness in this situation. Much like a critique to a badly executed play. The grand reveal of Ayame Choko barely shook the clown for some reason, unlike her lover or multiple other people. If anything it made her blood boil as to how this 'twist' was executed that disconnected her from the current reality. She almost felt like she was in some play or some movie, and the ideas behind all of this became a lot more fluid in her mind than what she usually receipted as information. There simply no gasp or need to make a speech, for once she wanted to listen to monologues from people with a political lobby they're supporting. Consequently, anyone who would have the audacity to oppose not only people who were massively strong but had the entire spotlight of this 'play' would get the glare from the usually upbeat clown. Giichi was being handled by Akio and Chen was being loud but didn't actually oppose this so he was left with a free pass. Most of the others were either silent or complied... Except for one. Nobunaga, a colleague of her's she had gone on missions with. He was being both arrogant for contradicting such a powerful stunt but also stupid for essentially exposing himself to such dangerous people. There was also the old Maru detective who came up but he was nowhere near as close as Nobunaga. Pulling out a couple of her cards, she swiftly launched them on his thighs as he finished his overly patriotic speech about some Will she was convinced she didn't have. Because it was an assault from behind and from a comrade, he wouldn't expect it. Added to that was the fact that Aoi was infuriated by the fact that he was pulling his blade out on a comrade. She wasn't aiming to kill him, but he was only worthy of bowing to whatever at this point. Actually she may have just saved his life. "[color=fuchsia]Oi! Quiet. The grown ups are talking, doggie boy.[/color]" As he said that with a unnervingly solemn tone which would be rather disconcerting coming from such a person, she'd grab Akio's hand and tug on her arm as the clown slowly approached both Yamato and Daiki as they remained submissive to the change of paradigm the village was going to face. They seemed to all have their reasons for doing this, Aoi was both caught by the moment but also had her Amegakure blood boil from this dominating turn of events. She couldn't help but feel more at home with such a thing being done, even if she had lived an entire life with a large family. Maybe she simply saw Ayame as someone who actually catered to the needs of Shinobi, unlike Zeno who was going to send her and her lover away to some whatever place she didn't even know about until they signed her up. She wasn't a Konoha native, she didn't feel very attached to this place to begin with. She could just leave if things weren't great anyway, so no point in being their next target. Plus if Akio didn't manifest her thoughts against it, it was all good, right? [hr] [center][img]http://oi59.tinypic.com/2aez6ea.jpg[/img] [h2][color=silver][b]Fujitora Choko ; The Overseer[/b][/color][/h2] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7ZPdaqxsnU]In the Palace ~ Lamentoso[/url][/center] [hr] Realizing that his dear sister had decided to go for the full blown reveal, Fujitora didn't have much else to hide at this point. Most of the onlookers had probably guessed by now that he was the one behind the mask. With a click of a switch on the left edge of his mask, the head wear broke down and fell into multiple pieces on the wooden floor. Along with it would be his hat that would drift away in the breeze of wind that happened to pass by. He ruffled his somewhat sweaty hair as he had worn that silly fedora for a little too long, the fact that he didn't like to wear hats in general didn't make him feel any better about his look right now. Much like his sister, he appeared somewhat calm and solemn. This wasn't the casual Fujitora but the overly professional one who wouldn't hesitate to make heart wrenching sacrifices for what he considered to be the greater good. While he stripped himself from his God awful coat and ruined gloves, he saw fairly well how everyone was reacting to this, including Tsukiko who was close to bursting a vein and attacking the Choko siblings for what she probably saw as a form of treason. This estimation wasn't exaggerated, but Ayame could handle herself. Another immediate threat that presented itself was the Uzumaki child who ironically used the signature technique of the Hokage who brought Konoha to this peaceful stalemate. He wasn't really a bother either as he'd get handled by neither the 11th Corp or himself, but by one of his colleagues. Speaking of which, an overly satisfied grin formed on the commander's face as he saw the Minamoru brat bow down. This was followed by the Naito/Uchiha wannabe, another rare thing to see. Chen's voice was indeed consumed by the crowd, but whether he was on their side or not, Fujitora would have to deal this potential obstacle for future works. But for now, the only true obstacle was this Samurai kid, Nobunaga. Just as the Hokage let the Choko siblings, a duo of immigrants, have so much power in Konoha he also let this child in despite the risks it could entail. When reminded of this, Fujitora realized just how much this murder was justified. Luckily for him he'd be shut up by that clown kid, a true Ame native indeed with what he estimated to be a respect for real power. Along with her lover who knew better than to stand in a confronting manner to people vastly superior to her. "[color=silver][b]You could have laid down on the over-the-top speeches a bit, Aya. I think they got the idea.[/b][/color]" Though the content was humorous, the way it was said and his expression were not those of casual laughter as his normal self would be. He knew full well he had complete power over most of the village at this point, and he'd be very well capable of displaying that by being challenged by Kaito Maru. He stopped Tsukiko's violent burst of rage, making the job easier for the Choko of course, by using his status as a medium to put a halt in this little scene. Fujitora glanced over at the man waving his arbitrary values and laws. The former commander couldn't help but be humored by the lack of touch this man had with reality at this point. They killed the Hokage, they took the throne, they controlled the most powerful intelligence institution in the country. Although the last bit of his lawful speech did shed light to the reasons why detective Maru was so deluded in his words. Cracking his left index finger with the corresponding thumb, he turned to face the law enforcer and slowly approached him. "[color=silver][b]Pardon me as I go over-the-top like my sister just did. [i]Ahem[/i]. Revolution takes many forms, breaking the tradition of putting the Shimura up to do the scrubbing of Konoha's filth is one of them, of course. Shimura has been ... [i]Relieved[/i] of his duties and I, Fujitora Choko, am currently the Head Master of the 11th Corp.[/b][/color]" He'd claim as he reached Kaito at arm's reach. The former commander slowly presented his left, cut hand as if he was demanding something from the detective. Considering the Choko's current status, this sign was becoming more and more obvious to the man attempting to arrest Fujitora and his sister. "[color=silver][b]As your superior, I'm asking for your badge. You are suspended for unjustified assault on Captain Umene during an official event. Please remove your ninjutsu as well. As peacefully as possible, of course.[/b][/color]" There wasn't any snark in his tone, but the situation was indeed made to make the man feel humiliated an powerless. But what could he do? The 11th Corp would likely snipe him down if he tried anything violent and he was somewhat confronted to a clash of ideals that could very well lead to more bloodshed than it should.