Kaori must have dozed off their for a minute or two. By the time she'd raised her head, yawned, and was prepared to give her name as she was asked with everyone else, a horde of people began storming through the doorway to meet with them. A small groan came from the girl, who flopped her forehead down on the desk loud enough for a heavy [i]thunk![/i] to be heard. As the rest introduced themselves, she made mental notes of their names, and only briefly looked at their appearances. She hadn't even looked at the two who were already there. One looked like he was just trying to be depressed, what with the ratty grey gi and chain belt. Her gaze slowly turned to the girl ahead of her, who looked both unassuming and unintimidating, even with the knives placed on the desk. It would have been smarter to keep them on her, or at least partially hidden. Kaori huffed, then turned her attention to the girl with the sword. Everyone coming in and showing off today, was it? Turned the attention off of her so she could nap, so that was all that mattered. Then came the boy. Young, deep voiced, apparently liked to read and spoke shortly. Clearly it was someone who was either overconfident, or someone who just didn't give a rat's ass. Either way, he'd learn the ropes from someone. Not her, but someone. The next one to come in was strangely plain and boring looking compared to the rest. Which made him odd in and of itself. The teacher - who turned out to be the headmaster - gave them some packets to find out where they would be sleeping, and asked something about how well they could use their power. She couldn't even get a chance to do anything as everyone kept talking and talking and interrupting until she once again thumped her head against the desk. When she looked up, not only was yet another one of them running in to class - extremely late, mind him - but the teacher was doing something else too. And now he was on the ceiling with a glowing aura, and then back on the ground and challenging all of them to do it. She muttered something indistinct and unflattering, then stood from her seat and walked slowly towards the wall. The trick was a simple one, a parlor trick as the monks would tell her, but she wasn't going to do it on the first try. She slowly built up a small bit of her energy, enough to where she wasn't even growing an aura, and began trying to balance on the wall, or at least get a grip on it with her foot. At first, her foot kept sliding off, causing her to squint and frown. After a few seconds, she finally stuck, and was able to get her other leg off the ground and on to the wall. Unfortunately, balance was not her strong suit, and so she tilted back towards the floor and bumped her head on the ground, causing her to lose focus and drop the rest of the way. Color went right to her face, and what little power she had shown went away quickly. Kaori stood, brushed herself off, cleared her throat, and moved away from the wall quickly while the others were making their attempts. She'd try again in a little bit.