[hr][h1][i][color=dodgerblue]Lihua Vuhong.[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@Spoopy Scary][/sub][hr] When Baron pulled out armaments of his own, Lihua simply nodded. She trusted that Baron could handle himself - he wouldn't be a prestigious Dreadnaught if not - and she had no intentions of babysitting him. She went through the armory, shifting through the weapons, looking for something. She simply turned to Ariella, and asked, "Where is the containment foam?" Ariella, who seemed to be more than content with hiding underneath her desk, popped up, and said, "Hey, I can't just give out this stuff willy nilly. You need-" That was when Lihua quickly closed the distance, and jammed her finger into Ariella's chest - making [i]sure[/i] to get her nails in - and [i]very calmly[/i] said to her, "Agent D. Sinclair, do you understand what is going on right now? Terrorists have breached the building, and they are[i] killing[/i] Agents left and right." Ariella kept her mouth shut. Continuing, Lihua said, "And we need to take out the strongest ones before they destroy what little of the base we have left, and to do that, I'm going to need this foam. So, will you spare some, or will [i]I[/i] have to make a case once this is all over?" She leaned in, and stared Ariella right in the eyes. Ariella merely shook her head, and walked off into a back room. A few seconds later, she came back with a sprayer, and two canisters of the containment foam. "Here you go... just... have fun with it." She said, with a sarcastic grin that Lihua ignored. Now that she has the foam, maybe she'll stand a chance against the likes of Big Dong and Khan. She attached the sprayer to her belt, and hooked the canisters to other parts of her belt. Burnmark will be easy, it'll be Khan and Big Dong that'll be a problem. Though, if Lihua brings in Khan, she'll be looking at a nice raise. While she was doing this, she was listening to Baron. [i]"This might bruise a bit later, but otherwise I'm... what the hell?"[/i] Immediately perking up, Lihua took a few steps over to Baron, and peaked over his shoulder - only catching Grit for a few moments before he took off up the stairs. She shook her head. She wondered what that fool was up to now, she honestly doubt up close and personal fights are within his comfort zone. [i]"Was that Grit?"[/i] "I believe so," Lihua said, as she walked over to the button to unlock the armory door. "I hope he has a plan of some sort, because I don't think these kinds of engagements are his forte. Speaking of which, it's time for me to get up there as well." She cocked her shotgun, taking a few steps towards Washe, before turning back to look at Baron, "You're free to accompany me, Baron." Briefly, she wondered where Washe was in all of this madness, but, for now, he's of little concern to Lihua. She then opened the door, and put both hands on her shotgun as she took slow steps out. The second the two of them were out of the armory, Ariella locked the door behind them. With her shotgun poised to shoot whatever bastard pops up in front of her, Lihua began her march up the stairs, the same stairs that Grit went up. And conveniently avoided everyone else that was running up the stairs. The further she went up, the more it sounded like a complete warzone. Explosions, bullets, and more. She knew that the Fiends were on the floor with the detention center. She pushed the door open slowly, giving herself some room to examine the place. There were some Fiends, toting gas masks, running down the hallway (Away from her, fortunately). By the time she completely opened the door, she widened her eyes after seeing [i]what[/i] they were running towards. There was a female NEST Agent donned in a suit on the ground, getting a savage beating by the Fiends. Quickly running down the hall - which was harder in heels - towards the action, she quickly primed her Mossberg and was looking down the sights. One Fiend stood up and turned towards Lihua - and he was the first to get the raging firepower of her shotgun. He was blown back with a hole in his chest, and Lihua pumped her shotgun - discarding the empty shell, and replacing the chamber with another one. At this point, they turned their attention from the Agent, to Lihua. They quickly ran towards her - and she pointed her mossberg at the one unlucky enough to be in front, and pulled the trigger. Blowing him down. Though, there were still plenty left, she took a few steps back, as they ran towards her with reckless abandon - a bullet raged through the hallway and a Fiend dropped dead with a bullethole in the back of his head. Thing is, Lihua didn't shoot it. She only caught a glimpse of a shimmering figure as it disappeared again. Then the same thing happened again to another Fiend. Lihua's back was against the wall, just shooting her mossberg - adjusting her aim due to the recoil, pumping it, then firing it again. She took her hand off the pump, and lowered her fist to waist level - then violently shooting it upwards. Thin - no thicker than a pencil - concrete spikes came out of the ground and impaled the Fiends through the legs (and one through the dick). Blood trickled down and stained Lihua's suit. The cuts that were forming were painful, yet, this was a pain she was [i]very[/i] familiar with. One of the Fiends that was impaled threw a shovel at Lihua, and she dove to the side as it... harmlessly hit the wall, and dropped to the ground with a clang. She retracted the concrete by pushing downwards with both hands, and the Fiends dropped. Bleeding to death. With the Fiends eliminated, Lihua calmly walked over to the downed NEST Agent, and offered her hand. "Are you okay?" Lihua asked - having to speak a little louder over the chaos not too far away. "Y-yeah," The downed NEST Agent said, she grabbed onto Lihua's hand, who pulled her up. Which gave Lihua a good look at all the bruises, blood, and broken teeth, she had. "Can you walk?" Lihua asked... because she had no intention of carrying this Agent all the way back down to the lobby. "I... think I can." The Agent said. Pointing down the stairs, Lihua advised, "Then get down the stairs fast as possible back into the-" "[b][i]YAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA![/i][/b]" A Fiend let out his battlecry as he came out of one of the side rooms... which was much closer to Lihua than she'd like. He was armed with a hatchet as he charged Lihua. She could barely turn around in time. Then, she heard a gunshot go off right behind her, and the Fiend dropping dead. By the time she turned around, her shotgun was aimed, not at the Fiend, but Agent Sam Clarke. "[i]Clarke.[/i]" Lihua flatly says. "[i]Lihua.[/i]" Sam says in a similar monotone. She lowered her shotgun, and took a step back. They stared at each other for a moment. The injured NEST Agent walked on by past them. "I know we're not on the best terms..." Lihua started off, "But, how about we work together to bring down the Fiends once and for all? I have a plan." Sam nodded. "Excellent..." Lihua reached down to her belt, and gave him the containment foam canister, and sprayer. "This will do better in your hands than mine." She turned down the hallway, and started making her way to the loudest sounds. "Let's go." [hr][h1][i]Heartbreaker.[/i][/h1][hr] Heartbreaker made it to the hallway to the detention center, and put her back against the wall, peaking down the hall. She heard the violent pounding of Big Dongs fists impacting the foam, but when she looked down the hall, she couldn't get Khan in her field of vision. There were too many of these druggies shambling like zombies. If she had a clean shot then she'd just put one of her rounds through Khan's heart and haul ass out of here. Though, the creed of the sniper is [i]patience[/i]. You must be capable of waiting hours for that [i]perfect shot...[/i] Though, she had a time limit here. Given that she's intruding in a heavily secure NEST base, [i]and[/i] the Fiends were going to get Sulfur out. She just needed to pick her... "[i][b]HEY, I WANNA LICK YOUR TEETH![/b][/i]" A Fiend shouted, as he raised a firearm above his head, ready to split Heartbreaker in half. [i]Fuck![/i] Heartbreaker thought to herself, as she quickly sidestepped right as the Fiend brought it down. She pulled out her revolver, and she quickly shot him through the chest with it. The roar echoed through the hall over the chaos, and the Fiend had a nice hole through his heart. He dropped on the ground, and Heartbreaker rolled her eyes. ... Then realized that he dropped dead in clear view of the Fiends. [hr][h1][i]Khan, Big Dong, Burnmark vs Heartbreaker.[/i][/h1][hr] After a few minutes of tirelessly pounding at the containment foam, a crowd had formed in the hallway behind Big Dong and the rest of the lieutenants. Most of the foam was detached from the walls, and all that was left was a little bit. They were getting ready to just charge in, when Big Dong heard a revolver go off right down the hallway. With his last punch, the containment foam was displaced, and he turned around and saw a dead Fiend. That meant one thing; NEST. He walked up to the nearest Fiend, and pushed him, grabbing his AK. "What are you waiting for? Get down there!" Big Dong shouted. Khan and Burnmark nodded their heads, then ran past him with a horde of Fiends behind them - with only a few sticking with Big Dong. Big Dong ran down the hallway, and turned the corner to come face-to-face with Heartbreaker. Pointing his AK at her. "You don't look like NEST." ".... [i]Fffffffffffffuck.[/i]" Heartbreaker muttered underneath her breath the second she saw Big Dong. Her hand was on one revolver as she took a few steps back. "Of course not, I'm... with you." She said, with a unconvincing smile. "Riiiiiiight...." Big Dong said, keeping the gun facing her. His eyes drifted down to the poor sap that she killed, and noticed something.... "[i]You killed [b]Little Balls![/b][/i]" He loudly shouted as he pulled the trigger. A barrage of bullets came flying out. Heartbreaker, with her reflexes being top-notch, quickly dove into another alleyway the second Big Dong started shouting. She quickly pulled her revolver out, and fired a shot at Big Dong - which ricochet off his nigh-invulnerable frame, and went right through a female Fiend's neck. Big Dong roared as she went after her, wildly shooting his AK, until the clip ran out. "[i]Gimme another fuckin' clip![/i]" Big Dong shouted as he ejected the clip - which a Fiend was kind enough to provide him. He pointed after Heartbreaker and the Fiends ran off towards her. He slowly followed behind them.