Iṃgor chuckles slightly at the "I don't have eyes literally everywhere" remark, mumbling "But I do, at least for a hundred meters and some more; if I know what I am looking for". After some further thinking he asks Harold: "Could I also have a set of metal bolts for the crossbow manufactured from what is left of the metal? For when wooden bolts are not enough. If possible, could they be engraved with this rune?" Iṃgor draws the 'Ignite when ordered' rune he saw on the sword onto a small sheet of paper he carefull ripped from one of the sheets the old enchanter in oakstown used to draw the runes he gave to Iṃgor on. Once he had his answer from Harold he flicked the piece of paper into the air, where it ignited and burned to ash before its remains fell onto the ground.