With Monster X seemingly down for the count, Nemesis unleashes a loud ear-cringing shriek, which can be heard all throughout the city of Boston. This battle was surprisingly easy and took her just little effort to beat her opponent. Now with no one to stop her, she begins to continue to downtown. However, just as she was going to pay full attention to the city at hand, she senses something behind her. Her opponent wasn't dead, more over, his smell was also changing rapidly. She hisses as she turns around again, only to see Monster X morphing into the almighty Kaizer Ghidorah! As the three-headed dragon screams at Nemesis, the other kaiju roars back in response. It was so loud that it would deafen the ears of the people within a 4 kilometer radius. The dragon then takes to the air, firing his gravity beams* at the mutant kaiju. Some would strike directly at Nemesis, causing her to wail in pain as she tries to shield herself from the oncoming blasts. Yet Kaizer Ghidorah wasn't the only one to have wings... With a sudden flash, Nemesis earned herself a pair of wings! While normally she resides in the sea, she would occasionally use her wings for short distance flight, but also for another thing. However, this thing won't be completed in awhile, so she just continues to fire her beams at Ghidorah, with her wings already beginning to faintly glow a yellowish hue...