[h2][center][b][color=917655]Hawkstar[/color][/b][/center][/h2] A heavy feeling sunk down inside his stomach like a large stone. [i]Ravencoat?[/i] His old friend and loyal deputy? [i]That, Ravencoat?[/i] Surely Redstar was ill-informed. Hawkstar gave the ShadowClan leader one last glance before bending his head in troubled thought. [i]How could Ravencoat do this? Kits from another clan?[/i] A silent, but deathly growl formed deep at the back of his throat, his gritted teeth being the only thing containing it. He wasn’t going to show Redstar nor his own clan the rage which was building up within him, the sense of betrayal painfully cutting through. His thoughts had been so focused on Ravencoat that he had completely forgotten about the matter at hand; those kits. It was clear now that he couldn’t turn them down, regardless of the new disease. But, he knew that the welfare of his clan was still the priority and bringing in a new disease into camp would be dangerous and extremely reckless. Raising his head slowly, his stern eyes met with Redstar’s, holding that stare for a few moments before speaking. And when he did, his voice was quiet, yet firm. [color=917655]“Bring the kits to the border and I’ll have Mallownose look them over. We will welcome them to ThunderClan only when they have been cleared by our Medicine Cat.”[/color] Redstar nodded as he turned towards two of his warriors, giving them a flick of his tail. With that, they both turned tail and headed back towards their territory. The ShadowClan leader returned his gaze towards Hawkstar, breathing deeply. He was just about to open his mouth when a loud voice boomed through the air. [color=f7976a]"Hawkstar! Hawkstar! We need help!"[/color] Hawkstar swung around abruptly, peering down at the approaching Apprentice as a warning of rogues spilled out.[i] Rogues?[/i] He didn’t recognise the names which Warmpaw had spoke of, only Mallownose’s. Instantly, the old cat sprung into gear, flashing a look of seriousness towards Silverstorm. [color=917655]“Make sure ShadowClan get back to their territory safely, Stormstrike, come with me.”.[/color] He knew that Silverstorm was more then capable of holding the situation here, ShadowClan didn’t look in any shape to spring a surprise attack anyway. Before returning his attention back to the Apprentice, he quietly spoke again. [color=917655]“Silverstorm, keep the kits at the border until I come back.”[/color] He didn’t know if the she-cat had overheard their conversation or not, but he had to let her know what to do when those warriors came back. [i]She’ll figure it out[/i]. [color=917655]“Warmpaw, take me to the Rogues.”[/color]