[color=FF69B4]"Aoi.. Please don't cause any problems.. Okay? We want you to come back as a normal young girl. We want you to come back as a sweet girl, like every girl is.[/color] [center][i]Sexist.[/i][/center] Aoi sighed, her mother went on and on about how girls Aoi's age should act. [color=CD5C5C]"Yeah mom, I get it."[/color] She replied, gluing her eyes to the road. Everything was beautiful, the trees, the boys. That was really the main reason why Aoi didn't argue to the fact that she was going. She'll just meet a new senpai, how hard can it be? Just after that thought had crossed her mind, tears slowly slipped off her cheeks. She was still heartbroken over the fact that senpai had a girlfriend and how he betrayed her and told Aoi's parents. Deep down she loved her senpai, a lot. She loved the way his hair flowed with unison with the air, she loved the way his booty made her drool. Actually just thinking about it, Aoi started drooling. [color=FF6347]"Aoi! Not in the car, Disgusting."[/color] Aoi's father yelled as he turned around to face her, she had been drooling and apparently, that wasn't 'lady like'. [i]Always the usual, "not lady-like" excuse.[/i] Aoi wiped the drool from her mouth, glaring at her father. She never liked her parents, they never liked her personality. They thought being quiet or rude wasn't 'fun' or 'lady-like' upon meeting senpai, she changed. Her parents loved the new her, she'd come home bouncing of excitement gleaming happily. That's what they wanted. That's how they wanted their princess to act. Her father, especially, hated how Aoi had become. He was slowly falling apart from Aoi, like, he didn't want to be around her. She seemed like a monster to him after senpai had told them about the incident. Aoi always had a feeling that her father never liked her, she felt as if her father never liked the way she dressed, spoke, or her personality. Her mother on the other hand, just wanted her 'baby' to come back normal. Not a [i]monster[/i] basically. [center][color=FF6347]"Leave."[/color][/center] Aoi slammed open the door, grabbing her backpack and a purse. Her backpack had her school supplies while her purse had small thing she needed, such as clothes. Her mother blew Aoi a kiss, smiling as they drove away. She just stood there, watching as their car drove away. [color=CD5C5C]"Finally."[/color] She turned around, glancing at how fancy the place was. [i]They were actually able afford this place?? They reaaallyy want me to change, huh?[/i]Aoi started walking, grabbing tightly onto her backpack as the wrapped purse bounced around with every step she took. She noticed the trees shuffling with the air and the birds chirping, she found the school oddly appealing. She wanted to hate the school, but just looking at it, she was astonished. As Aoi stepped inside, there had been a red carpet leading to the auditorium, it had seemed like there were people inside already. The double doors were unlocked as Aoi opened them, she noticed there were a few students there already. One kid was on the floor, seemed like he needed some help. He had been wrapped in something, she had forgotten what the word was. [i]Jacket? Wrap..Wrapping jacket?? Straight jacket? Straight jacket![/i] She shrugged, [i]someone will help him eventually...Maybe..[/i] Aoi couldn't help but look back a few times at the kid. [i]Should I help him? But honestly, how is me helping him making anything better?[/i] She sat near two twins who were talking with each other, they had beautiful hair [i]to be honest.[/i] [color=D8BFD8]"That kid needs help, Hotaru."[/color] The twin said, pointing to the boy on the ground who had yelled out if anyone has scissors.[i]Scissors? Who would bring scissors to school? Unless, its school supplies..I don't know what I'm saying, honestly.[/i] Aoi held her chin, chuckling to herself. [@Slendy]