This was Geoff's worst case scenario. He had hoped he could start working with a single companion, directing her to stay out of his way and function well "together". With this new addition, he would not be able to do this while still being polite. He could see it now: a big team, pushing him into fights that would most likely get him killed and most certainly stop him from learning a thing about whatever was actually going on. Even worse, his hypothetical companions could be too confident and wind up in a terrible situation. A new vision ensconced itself in his mind, of him throwing himself in front of a magical fireball to save someone he didn't want to have around in the first place. An unfortunate way to go, not to mention a poor result for everyone. It pained him to do so, but he felt obligated to ensure he guaranteed the best situation for everyone, which would mean making this demon not want anything to do with him. Geoff would need to play this well. He didn't return the bow, partially due to his recent hiatus from polite society, and partially because he wanted to appear foreign and slightly obnoxious: the kind of person one would not want to team up with. "I'm afraid I prefer to work in small groups. Three's a crowd, and all that. Though, I can't speak for her". He gestured graciously towards the fellow chaser. As for bravery, you'll probably be disappointed; I' taking this mission only as long as I can avoid the demons." He slipped in the slightly derogatory term. He defaulted to it after his brief stay in Langley, and was betting the specimen in front of him would not take it as foreign academic terminology. His piece said, he waited and hoped she wouldn't be too insistent.