Tirarrian found herself at a quandry. She could either push an answer out of Kayleth, and distract her from helping Durin, or she could simply move off and help people of her own accord. Which would also distract Kayleth. She looked around in her puzzlement, and saw a strange man losing himself in the room, and having a stern talking to by Kayleth's assistant. The man was unsettling to look at, and it was easy to see why. Almost all his clothes were made of animals, or what used to be animals. Leather bracers, furred chest-piece but most notably of all a lioness had been fashioned, almost whole, into a hood and cloak for him. It looked like fine protection from the elements, and even many attacks, but it did little to protect him from the eyes of everyone in the room. Indeed, it would be easy to follow a man like this if he travelled across the land because of his notable appearance. But that would require him to walk through villages and be seen, which upon closer inspection wasn't his style. She broke down her conclusion, and analysed the points As Kayleth's assistant talked to him his sharp green eyes darted about the room, a social faux pa. He stood with a stance that puffed himself up, as if he was always on edge, like there was always an unseen danger. He owned blade of fine make, which when put in combination with the animal hood may have marked him as a hunter, or a bounty collector, but he didn't flaunt his sword. People who put their blades up for hire always showed them off, the better the blade the more illustrious and skilled the swordsman. This man had it in a much more practical position. Sellswords would have it hoisted up near the stomach, whereas he had it far down by his hip, and strapped in well so it wouldn't jostle and be moved to be shown off better. The lioness hood was also not in perfect condition. Only noble's could afford such clothing, and they would only wear it to the greatest of social occasions. This man's cloak was dirty and torn in places, combined with his sturdy boots he was definitely a practical traveller, keeping the Lioness fur for it's protection and not opulence. [color=violet][i]A man that values practicality over image is not a man used to the upper echelons of society, yet such a lion hood would be the envy of any lord. This man clearly does not understand that such gear would cause a lot of unwanted attention in any settlement, since they are worth a king's ransom.[/i][/color] Tirarrian pondered, [color=violet][i]So he must not be used to settlements in this country, and he doesn't look like a foreigner. He must be a far wilder folk. What draws him here?[/i][/color] She resolved to go talk to the man, putting helping the patients to the back of her mind. For all she knew, by getting rid of him she was helping them [@IcePezz][@Dragoknighte][@The Harbinger of Ferocity]