[quote=@Aims] Adding two plots: [hider=Immortals] This plot circles around a group of characters (two a piece) who are immortal. No, we aren't vampires. We just never age, and we don't know why. Most of us were born around the decade of nuclear discovery and exploration, and so we think that has something to do with it. The oldest of us, one of my characters, has been traveling the world and searching for each of us, trying to create a group for better protection. Or maybe just to be friends. At last, though, we are all together, four different people from different places, and we find out we are being hunted. [/hider] [hider=Escaping Insanity] All teenagers are crazy. That's a universal truth. But when you're born with superpowers, you tend to go a little crazier a little faster. Our characters will be two inmates at the local asylum which is really a very nice home for us 'crazy' powerful teens. One question can sum up the plot for this role-play: Why are they hiding us in here? I mean, it's in the title. ^^ [/hider] [/quote]