[h3][color=lightblue]Ariel[/color] and [color=indianred]Cassandra[/color][/h3][@Caits] Cassandra looked over to Tidius. "[color=indianred]I'm just doing my job. Or trying anyway. Seems little Ariel has outgrown her fear of me.[/color]" That actually posed somewhat of a dilemma for Cassandra. "[color=indianred]I don't recall her having magic though. And certainly not the ability to bring a nightmare like me to life." While the snake woman was thinking her image wavered a bit before vanishing. Ariel leaned against a table, somewhat exhausted. The magic needed to keep a spirit around depleted. "[color=lightblue]That's really taxing.[/color]" Meanwhile she could feel the weight of magic use falling on her again. The battle was beginning to take a toll on her as well.