[H3]What is the Dreamverse?[/h3] The Dreamverse is a worldwide telepathic network that connects the sleeping mind. This gives rise to the thought that, while we are asleep, we are more mentally powerful. Generally, most people in the Dreamverse are not aware that others are walking into their dreams or they are venturing into others. The meetings are often miniscule and dont have much of an impact since most people don't remember them. For a more literal image, think of bubble wrap. Each bubble is a persons own sphere of dream. Their minds world. They are separate from each other, but they do occasionally bump into one another. This allows for dreamers to unconsciously meet others, but neither will remember what happened. [H3]How does lucid dreaming effect the Dreamverse?[/h3] As a lucid dreamer that has gained entry into the Dreamverse, you can knowingly influence someone in their dreams for better or worse. For instance, say someone was getting attacked by someone or something and you step in. The way you handle this persons dream will either condemn or inspire them. [H3]Why couldn't lucid dreamers enter the Dreamverse before?[/h3] The Dreamverse, contrary to what you might think, is actually very static. Different only between people. It only connects dreamers that are not controlling their 'world'. That is until a lucid dreamer broke through that barrier. [H3]Isn't lucid dreaming in the Dreamverse dangerous?[/h3] Yes. Even though you are lucid, you are still directly channeling your subconscious. Because of this, you face fragments of yourself within the boundaries of Dreamverse. Everything from day to day fears to things you have kept hidden deep inside for years. If you cannot overcome these parts of you, they will consume you. You will also face things from your imagination. Friendly... or not. [H3]What about the regular dreamers?[/h3] They are not in danger from your subconscious creations. Only the lucid dreamer poses a threat to the regular dreamers. [H3]What happens if I die lucid in the Dreamverse?[/h3] If you die in Dreamverse, you die in real life. Just kidding. Your mind is cut off the network. You will be fine, but you will never dream again. [H3]You mentioned repeating figures.[/h3] A repeating figure embodies a trait you have. A unicorn could symbolize purity, a sun could be a cheerful look on life. While a dragon could be greed. Its all about how you interpret them. [H3]How [I]does[/I] one enter the Dreamverse?[/h3] Imagine a door, and know that it takes you to where you want to go. [H3]What happens if I get caught between dreams?[/h3] One of two things. Either you are found by the dream police or you are captured by whatever lifes there. If the police find you, you are simply kicked out and cant enter again until the next time you fall asleep. If you are captured, you never wake up and are trapped between dreams forever. Eventually degenerating into some form of goop or a shadow. No one really knows, so be careful.