Link would probably want nothing more than to just have a sleep right now and forget that all of this had to happen, especially with Nayrin out there risking her life for a little bit of scouting. If they were out in the desert for a couple of days without having to fight, he wouldn’t be so nervous about what the amulet had done to him. If the whole process of becoming normal hadn’t made him feel so drained and empty, he might had somewhat enjoyed the feeling of being normal for once in his life minus the fact that he still looked like a Gerudo boy. Slowly raising his hand to his head, he ran his hand through his hair slowly before looking back up to Caelan at the offer of water, staring at him for a moment before shaking his head, “Uhh, no I-uhh…” Before he could protest, the water skin was held out to him in a kind manner with the intention of him taking it, his eyes wandering up to Caelan. He probably should have some water, but he was just feeling guilty when he truly didn’t need it as much as everyone else did. Taking the water skin from Caelan, he nodded a little and took a few sips from it, feeling greedy just from taking it, “…Thanks, I-I’m fine now”, he spoke, holding it up to Caelan, “I’m just not used to the desert, that’s all…” He was actually okay in the desert, it wasn’t as bad as it might had been for anyone that wasn’t from his ethnic background; speaking of ethnicity, he was certainly confused over what he really was. If Demoko was his father, how was it possible to make him when he was a construct at the time and not flesh like he saw in the past. The very thought of being a creation just to house a hero’s spirit made him a little depressed, but knowing his Gerudo inheritance could had been avoided by Demoko choosing someone else made him wonder what kind of life he might have had if that element had been removed from him instead. He probably wouldn’t be able to last very long in the desert for one, but he also wouldn’t have to put up with so much grief throughout his life for being different. Frowning, he let out a sigh and lowered his head, his eyes looking around slowly before they wandered back to Caelan, staring at him for a moment before he looked away again, “I guess so, but still…I probably can’t fight so that’s one less fighter”, he sighed, frowning a little when he mentioned getting paid, “You should be happy that you get money for things like this. I had to work hard for my food…” He was definitely a little worried, but his worry was being directed to the future more than what they had to deal with just now. He knew Nayrin could handle it, but if they had to fight then he was probably either going to die or let everyone down. Gazing off in Nayrin’s direction, he soon looked back when Caelan spoke again, instead giving him an offer to cool off, “Uhhh, I-I’m fine, just…my gear is a little heavy, that’s all”. While he didn’t fear his items being taken away from him too much, he didn’t particularly want to part with it when it was the only things that were going to keep him safe incase something did happen. Worrying a fair ton about what was happening, he gasped a little when Demoko spoke up, his eyes going to him quickly before he lowered his head again, raising his hands to his chest, “Oh, yeah sure, your fancy powers…” he mumbled, feeling a little bitter about it. Everything had gone to the opposite spectrum where he was practically useless while Demoko was able to stand up for himself and others. Scratching his ribs a little, he got a fright at the noise in the distance as he turned around to see what it was. The sight of the large beasts was a little curious, they were awfully far away from their home to be travelling through the desert. He wasn’t completely sure about them, but as he turned to Sophos as he talked about his son only to frown in response, lowering his head as he was reminded of his own adoptive father out all alone back in the village.