Currently, the only thing I could tell you officially is my bit as I'm still pretty new here. Racheli (mine), Justine (Tearstone) and Icarus (Hero's) Pcs are locked in a fight in the apartment owned by Justine thanks to a big bad meta human with a drug problem. He's souped up like a cross between the hulk and Batman's Bane, sadly I can't tell you much more due to needing to finish the collab ASAP. Outside, it's night during this scene, there's several riots and utter chaos happening thanks to Crowl, a sort of secret crime kingpin in Haven. Rach is going under some metamorphosis as her body is literally ripping itself apart, her blood turning black and body dropping temperature like you wouldn't believe, which will be revealed soon. I've read the others, but I can't recall all of it accurately without a day or two. >_>