[quote=@Guess Who] [Ignore I said something stupid] [/quote] See now I can't ignore it, my interest is piqued. What did you say? [quote=@shadowkiller912] The original series is my favorite out of all of them. I finished season 1 last year in the summer and I still have to finish season two and three. The fights in TOS are my especially the one with Kirk vs. Gorn. [/quote] That was great. They had the whole audience in suspense over whether Kirk would remember how to make gunpowder. The fights are almost like the old Adam West Batman minus the POW, CLANG, BOOM effects. The only thing I'm disappointed with is that the Q Continuum won't be invented till TNG. Though they did have General Trelane and several of Roddenberry's colleges think that is where the inspiration for Q came from so it's sort of the same thing. (In a couple of the Star Trek novels Trelane is a member of the Continuum, I looked it up.)