[color=f7941d]“Well this is hardly a good first impression,”[/color] Yori murmured to himself as he tightened the belt around the school issued gi. Despite his words, he seemed to be in little hurry, taking his time to slip on his sandals and actually leave the transit room. He didn’t leave normally either being well aware the secretary for the building would probably give him a mouthful. Instead, he popped open the window and weathered the second floor drop with ease. As he brushed himself off and stood, Yori scratched the back of his head at the sight of his temporary room’s open window. [color=f7941d]“Ah, I’ll probably get warned for that…”[/color] A concern for a later time he supposed as his focus at the moment was the class he was already late for. With a good idea of the Academy’s layout already in mind, he closed his eyes for a moment to find his position, the classroom, and how he would get from A to B. Unsurprisingly, the Academy’s grounds were mostly empty at this time with the majority of students and staff in class. He sort of expected some staff members to patrol the school grounds, but was pleasantly surprised that he managed an uninterrupted jog to where the classrooms were located. The only problem was that he didn’t really have an idea of which classroom out of the numerous was supposed to be #4. Beyond the tidbit that their homeroom teacher had yet to be assigned as of yesterday, Yori figured he would just have to take a peek here and there to figure things out. Evidently his luck would shine through as the first window he tried proved to the correct room. His eyes strayed to the front of the classroom and the blackboard, reading what was written. [color=f7941d][i]‘Huh… did not expect that,’[/i][/color] he thought to himself because honestly there was something a bit off with the Headmaster acting as a substitute. Nonetheless, he sat onto the window sill, gave his sandals a good tap to get the dirt and dust off, and swung into the classroom. With a wave, grin, and shallow bow, Yori said, [color=f7941d]“Apologies for my tardiness Headmaster. Or would sensei be more appropriate?”[/color] He didn’t bother to wait for a response before he raised his head and looked at the other students that would be his classmates for the year; a varied bunch to be certain at first glance.