[hider=WIP] Name: Giuliano da Capri Appearance: Giuliano is a short, portly man appearing to be around forty. His hair is a deep black with an increasingly receding hairline. His face is round and plump, the only angle in it being a pointed goatee adorning his equally pointy chin. His forehead appears to be in a state of constant wrinkle, underlined by bushy eyebrows. His legs are short, one of them missing and replaced with a wooden prosthetic, resembling a soldier's boot. His regular outfit consists of loose, red, silken shirt covered with an light orange vest. Personality: Giuliano is a man who prefers the dramatic things in life. Flamboyant, outgoing, and incredibly in your face, Giuliano looks for the most in life, spending his time partying, smoking, and drinking. His mind is brilliant, swirling with ideas ready to be pulled out of a moments notice. Not all are good ideas, granted, but they are ideas nonetheless. Considering the other elements, he is pretty friendly with his fellow lesser gods, though he doesn't really like them. Powers: Dragon's Breath: A fast-moving jet of flame emitted from the user's mouth. Usable by humans. Ignition: Allows the combustion of any fuel source. Usable by humans Flaming Javelin: A fast-moving fire projectile of similar size and shape to a javelin and thrown like one as well. Usable by humans. Combustive Charm: Infuses an item, such as a weapon, with potential energy. When the item impacts another object, the energy is released in a burst of flame. Usable by humans. Burning Lashes: Creates a pair of bullwhips made entirely of fire. They last for an hour, or until the user chooses to get rid of them. Usable by only the most advanced humans. Boiling Agony: The air itself becomes inhospitable, except for the user. The air heats up to temperatures reaching boiling point, and the ground burns up, releasing showers of embers to make it even more painful for whoever's stuck inside. Phoenix Finale: Releases dozens of waves of intense flame from the user's body over the course of a few seconds, each hotter than the last. The hottest temperatures reached are comparable to that of the Earth's core, turning all nearby into gas. Not yet used, the energy required makes the move suicidal, and thusly must only be used in the most dire of situations. Human Persona bio: Giuliano's appearance to the masses is that of none but a playwright. All of his plays written were dreadful romantic comedies that, if you asked any critic, were mediocre at best, but appealed to the public in just the right way to make him piles of money. He lives the high life while writing another mediocre play every couple of years to keep the money flowing. Equipment: Without much need for combat gear, Giuliano rarely carries a weapon. What he does carry with him often are some sheets of paper, a quill and inkwell, and a bottle of wine. Temple Description: Giuliano's temple is located near Mount Vesuvius. The temple is located near the foot of the volcano. The temple itself is raised up in a way that any lava flows will go around it, and the temple itself has special "eruption rooms" in the basement where his worshipers can go in times of emergency. The temple itself is one of Gothic design. The temple has 17 small spires encircling a larger one, where all the important ceremonies take place. The spires are made up of a darkly colored igneous rock, mined on site. Upon each small spire is a small statue of a dragon, facing inwards with it's wings spread. Each small spire is inhabited by a High Priest and his personal acolytes. These followers not only guard the temple, but also perform sacrifices to Giuliuano, generally involving the burning of some offering. Acolytes must prove that Giuliano believes them to be worthy by diving into a vat of boiling oil. If Giuliano finds them worthy, he will protect from the heat, and they will come out without so much as a blister. If they are not worthy, they boil alive. High Priests can be recognized by the symbol on their forehead. The symbol is that of a large square, surrounded by 17 uniformly sized arrows pointing outwards. This symbol is branded on to them in the Ascension ritual when they become High Priests. Local tech: The local tech is that of the Italian Renaissance. [/hider]