[center][h3]WHERE IS MY MIND?[/h3][sub]You wake up to humidity; you're on a tropical island, and you're not alone. You're surrounded by people, animals, or other beings that may seem very alien to you. You can't remember anything prior to waking up. Your mind is blank. Regardless of whether you regain your memories or not, you [i]must[/i] survive.[/sub] [img]http://share-fastly.picmonkey.com/prod/photo_posts/NyyrmjMX5of_12662317.jpg[/img] [sub][u]NAVIGATION[/u] intro && setting ([url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2960090]x[/url]) rules ([url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2960091]x[/url]) players && characters && application ([url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2960092]x[/url]) updates (none) chatzy ([url=http://us19.chatzy.com/84384867705287]x[/url]) [/sub] [/center]