[indent][indent][center]INTRODUCTION[/center] Like the thousand or so crossover/multifandom/multiverse rp's before it, this will most likely be a shitstorm. But it could be a fun shitstorm, yeah? A canonical character of your choosing wakes up to find themselves in an uninhabited tropical island. Alarmingly, they're surrounded by an array of people and creatures they've most likely never seen before except in stories and so forth, so that's a thing. More alarming yet, they can't even remember their own name. It's up to the players to flesh out a pack order IC and get the roleplay going, if a character that isn't mine or a co-gm ends up taking the lead that's fine. There won't be any NPC's, but if you'd like to have a fandom monster attack the group or something run it by me OOC and it might be a thing. My suggestion is to emphasize survival 'cos, y'know, for a lot of the flesh bags it's concern no. 1. Their memories may come back to them in time, when and how is up to you. Of course, I'm not going to be pleased if you give them back their memories as soon as this starts...I'd wait like, [i]at least[/i] a week IC. If there's any questions asked I'll answer them and add them to a list up here. [center]⚓ - ⚓ - ⚓[/center] [center]SETTING[/center] OGYIA: this island is 93 miles long and has an area of 3,495 square miles. While largely tropical, it can be oddly cold at the summit. The group wakes up along its northernmost tip, which is quite beachy and home to colonies of hermit crabs. It can be seen from the header image. [url=http://www.blacktomato.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Jungle.jpg]The Ogyian Jungle[/url] is a thick canopy of strange noises and unseen beasts, framed with [url=http://cbsbaltimore.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/crop_down32.jpg?w=610&h=490]beaches[/url] and palms on three of its sides. The trees can grow to the size of the five-story building at its deepest. The jungle dissolves into the centerpiece of the island on its fourth side: [url=http://7-themes.com/data_images/out/20/6835730-jungle-wallpaper.jpg]the summit[/url]. A rocky expanse of 90 degree angles and nesting birds, the summit is tallest at the center of the island but forms [url=http://rumshopryan.com/wp-content/uploads//2011/05/Mona-Island-jcolonmd.jpg]a plateau[/url] at lower altitudes that only ends at the [url=http://world-adventurer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Uluwatu-Cliff-Beach.jpg]southern tip[/url]. In other words, half of the island is rock, half is tree. More sites on Ogyia may be discovered by exploring the Jungle && the Summit. IONIAN: the ocean is a clear blue and stretches on for miles, with no other landmass on the horizon. The fish are oddly large and alien, and their scales gleam like polished gemstones.[/indent][/indent]