Yaozu raised an eyebrow, idly filing through the packet with his slender fingers, but his focus was to the front of the class. He gave a small whistle as he witnessed the beautiful glow of celestial light flooding the Headmaster as he called for his energy into a manifested form. So this is the aura of the path of light - compared to Yaozu's, it was quite beautiful and serene. The soft-blue glow was so elegant, yet held an edge of dignified power. The young martial artist gave an enthusiastic as the demonstration ended, dropping the packet to his desk and immediately standing upright. As the class shuffled about to their instructor's orders, he himself strode to the wall with eagerness, wanting to be the one of the firsts to partake in this interesting test. Unfortunately, he came in second as there was already a girl who began the assessment by pushing her energy outward, showing the class and the Headmaster the extent of her control over her it. Yaozu grinned, leaning in with anticipation. He was excited to see what sort of strength his classmates held. But as he continued to watch, his mouth twitched into a disappointed frown. Just as stoic as she was, nothing really happened with her aura as she took her first steps on the wall. In fact, it was quite sloppy to watch and he ended up giving a small sigh when she fell. Ah well. Everyone has their off days, he assumed. Yao gave a small shrug as his classmate hurriedly brushed herself off and made room for the others. And so it was his turn. Standing by his sensei as instructed, Yaozu straightened his posture and relaxed the tension that gripped his hardened body with a long and slow exhale of a deep breath. As the stressful air left his body, his muscles unwinded naturally - his fist loosened, his shoulders slouched, his chin tilting slightly towards his chest in a very reposed manner. Even his sharp eyes paled considerably, the usual bright ice shading into a steely blue. And just as the last wisp of breath left his slightly-open mouth, his energy began to substantiate. At first, it was just but a hazy warping of purple tendrils that rose from his body. But as Yaozu entered a deeper state of focus, the aura enhanced considerably and his energy roared as the tendrils flared up. Unlike the elegance of Hikari, Kurai burned raw. It wrapped around the young martial artist like licking flames, a passionate inferno of the boy's iron will. He made it burn as brightly and strongly as possible. Deep in his heart, he knew he may not be the strongest here. But even, he wanted everyone here to understand how serious he was in becoming number one. And so his aura glowed fiercely, snapping out with pride. When he was finally ready, Yao took his first steps towards the wall. Though confident as he was, he still hesitated as he approached the wall with a foot. But he steeled on, and with shaky first steps, he ascended towards the ceiling, gaining balance quickly with each step. When he was overhead, he walked around a few times, testing out his own capabilities and limitations. He even dared to make a jump, albeit tiny as it was, and was satisfied when his aura snapped him back to the ceiling as if he were making a normal jump on the ground. When all was done, he began to internalize his energy. Yao's eyes lit up again to it's normal blue as he grinned at his sensei and classmate before dismounting from the ceiling and back onto the ground. He landed shakily, on one knee and a hand, but immediately stood up and laughed in amusement. "Well that was quite fun," he mused before stepping aside and letting another fellow classmate try.