[quote=@Dirty Dan] I'll be watching this. Interested. Quick question;; would it be okay if the Speed Force was present in this RP? I want my character to be personally connected to it, as his power would be super-speed, and the abilities said power grants. Speed Force seems like something that would be present in the Heroes world. If you decline, then maybe I could possibly create something similar to the Speed Force? [/quote] As far as I'm aware, nothing similar to the speed force exists within the Heroes U but I'm an open minded guy. Whip up something for me to look at and we'll go from there :) [quote=@Shoryu] Oh hey, I've always liked this kind of thing, I have a lot of fun designing powers and their limitations for characters, so I'm quite interested! Though I'd ask a few questions just to check things! And sorry if they're silly questions, while I like heroes, i haven't seen it in bloody ages and have never really 'researched' it much. First, is that synthetic GMF formula going to be a thing? or the knock-offs that have nasty side-effects? In the wake of that last premonition that another round of heroes are going to come into play, I could totally picture someone trying to break it out and have their own collection of boosted minions ready to come after them, along with the obligatory failures/maybe not really failures. What of less apparently human abilities? I know the show almost never had anything that made someone look even remotely not human, even the shape shifting parts, but looking at the list and images on the wiki shows a few of considerably more broad variety, so I figured I'd ask. What about multiple abilities, generally depending on the complexity/level of said abilities and limited in overall power. I personally like shape-shifting style powers myself, I have easily a dozen different versions I could test to see if they fit or not, but I can easily go for something completely different. I could also just shut up and make a CS and see what happens! On a side note, since I have not watched heroes in ages, I don't actually know the answer to this, but! Would this setting also have available real-world things, memes, fandoms, games/cartoons/movies, things like that? not including 'heroes' of course, but you get the idea. [/quote] The synthetic formula is still floating around out there, how it comes into play with our story, well spoilers! I see what you mean about more physical alterations and mostly I think that was avoided due to budget reasons but I can't see why we can't do stuff like that as long as the changes are within reason. Multiple abilities I'm gonna say no. As powers evolve obviously more functions can be added e.g a cryokinetic who can manipulate ice could further by extension manipulate water or a telepath could manipulate minds as well as just read them. As far as I'm concerned, this universe is a combination of ours and the Heroes one, so all current pop culture stuff is relevant. Hope that answers all your questions!