It took a while for Felice to respond again; he had been a lot busier than he probably looked. This was just a normal course...but not quite for a secondary school. No, this was something most human children probably wouldn't be trying in a school gym. This was... ...actually, what was this? Some kind of game show? This was something weird families trained for and then spent money to try for a chance to win some sort of weird prize at, or maybe something out of an expensive summer camp, in his opinion. Normal school kids didn't do this. ...Then again, when was the last time that he had been a 'normal school kid'? Did he actually have any room for judgments here? It wasn't as if this was too much of a big deal compared to some of the other things he had used to get hurt on in the past, anyway. Why should he complain? It was a good test for him, honestly...and nobody here was probably normal...even without their powers... [color=7bcdc8]"Ah, certo!"[/color] He smacked a fist against his palm as he snapped back into the reality of the gym. Staring at it for as long as he had gave him enough time to decide exactly what he wanted to do. Walking up toward the starting point, he reached into the vest he wore and removed the mp3 again, selecting a track before placing it back and looking over the course once more. [i]That's right...normal kids go to regular schools. Putting us in a building won't make us normal now.[/i]