[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ah964qm.gif[/img] [h2][color=lightblue][b]Skylar Collins III[/b][/color][/h2][/center] Arriving in the gymnasium in a pair of black jeans, a white T, white and blue vans, and his favorite grey sweater, Skylar took a seat near the door and listened on to the headmaster speak. [color=lightblue][I]Nothing’s changed.[/I][/color] Skylar thought, his soft green eyes looking at the those who were in the gymnasium. Every single one of the rich kids laughed. They all laughed on the mention of the “poor” kids, like it was something shameful. There was nothing funny about it. All of them -- Skylar included -- worked hard to get there and they were all just laughing it up as if it wasn’t hurtful. Even though the laughing was shared with the cheering, Skylar wasn’t cheering. He couldn’t cheer. That would bring attention to him. He didn’t want that. He hated being in crowds. He hated how nervous and anxious he got when people surrounded him. He would give anything to retire to his dorm and take his classes from his laptop. But that wasn’t an option. The classes could only be taken within the rooms. Skylar would just have to get used to it, despite what he felt about crowds as a whole. Eventually when the headmaster finished his speech, everyone started to situate themselves out of their seats. Skylar tried to be one of the first ones out of there. The quicker he was away from those crowds, the quicker he’d be able to retire to the solitude of his dorm. However, as fate would have it, that wouldn’t be so easy. Combined with the rush of students trying to do as he was trying to, Skylar would soon find himself in earshot of some of the conversations going on, especially one Asian-looking fellow -- possibly Korean or Japanese -- announced to the students within the parking lot that there was a party at the fancy hotel called the Shangri-La. Instantly, Skylar waved it off. Parties weren’t his scene. Besides, there were too many people that seemed excited for it -- people that he really didn’t get a good vibe from. There was one right off the bat that he felt wasn’t a nice person. He didn’t know the name of this person, but he could spot her right away. She was the one that had a strut only the queen bees had. This one of supposed Caucasian skin and of black hair, dressed in purple. Yes, this one Skylar knew he had to stay away from. If not cause she seemed like the girls that tormented Skylar at his high school, then for the pure fact that she looked rich and most -- if not all -- of the rich people were laughing. [color=lightblue]“I’m just going to go to Lily’s. I don’t need to be here any longer..”[/color] Skylar said lowly to and only himself. [hr] After orientation and after he got all that he needed for clases and of course after he finished his first round of classes, Skylar spent about an hour collectively on the bus and walking to his sister’s studio apartment. It wasn’t that far from the school, but it was nowhere near close. Considering that the university was in the rich part of Hollywood, Skylar had to take a long bus route to his sister’s place. Still it was worth it to see her. Turning a corner, Skylar came to a flight of stairs. He took them three floors until he came to his sister’s door. He used the key she had given him and walked it. To his delight, there was Lillian, sitting on the couch watching some TV. She had always been beautiful. There was no doubt about that. All his life growing up -- especially when he would bring his friends over to the house when they all lived together -- Skylar would constantly get told that his sister was hot. This, of course, was from his friends, but even the neighbors and his teachers would echo his friends. “she’s gorgeous,” they would say, “she’s the perfect student. She’s graceful, vibrant, charming, and is the girl next door.” All of these things he heard from various people, Skylar couldn’t help but feel that he was overshadowed by her. He didn’t feel jealous of his sister. He respected her greatly and loved her most out of all of his siblings. The feeling was mutual as she let him crash on her couch during the summer break. [color=f49ac2]“Oh, Skye,” [/color]Lily said, turning her head seeing her brother, [color=f49ac2]“you’re home early.”[/color] She said. Skylar nodded as he took a seat next to her, the cushion bouncing lightly, dust clouds flying everywhere. [color=f49ac2]“Something the matter?”[/color] Lily inquired. Her brother seemed off about something. [color=lightblue]“It’s nothing..”[/color] He gloomily said, head slouched. Lily made him face her as she forced his head to hers. [color=f49ac2]“What’s wrong?”[/color] she inquired again. [color=lightblue]“I said it’s [I]nothing[/I],”[/color] He snapped back at Lily, causing a raised eyebrow of concern. Lily made a noise that hinted to worry. Skylar sighed, [color=lightblue]“listen, don’t worry. I just don’t feel like talking about it.”[/color] He said, revealing minimal reasons why he was in a mood. Lily smiled lightly. It wasn’t much, but at least he wasn’t in a depressing mood. At least, to her knowledge he wasn’t. Getting up, Skylar walked to the kitchen to grab something out of the fridge. He looked for a moment and saw a bottle of water. He popped the cap off and started to take moderate sips. [color=f49ac2]“So, how’s it feel to be a college man?”[/color] Lily asked, trying to at least know more about her brother’s day. Skylar simply shrugged and said nothing. [color=f49ac2]“Oh come on, nothing?”[/color] She asked,[color=f49ac2] “usually there’s some big party on the night of orientation.” [/color]She told Skylar. What she said was true. Even for Lily’s college days, there were wild parties. But the wildest one she remembered was that on the night of her orientation. Ah, she could remember like it was yesterday. Bars full of liquor of all kinds; music playing as loud as the speakers would allow; people dancing to the beats and getting down with each other. If only she could go back and relive those days. Oh what she wouldn’t give to do it just once. [color=lightblue]“There is, but…”[/color] Skylar’s voice trailed off nervously. [color=f49ac2]"But what?"[/color] [color=lightblue]“It’s at a hotel and all the rich kids are going to be there."[/color] [color=f49ac2] “What hotel?"[/color] [color=lightblue]“Shangri-La.”[/color] Lily’s eyes lit up with estatic joy, a scream of pure excitement and jealousy muffled the sounds that came from the Tv. [color=f49ac2]“You [I]have[/I] to go.”[/color] She demanded of Skylar. [color=lightblue]“I do?”[/color] He asked confusingly. [color=f49ac2]‘YES! That’s [I]thee[/I] party to go to.”[/color] Lilian said, more excited for Skylar than he was. She was over the moon for this party and she wasn’t even going. Hell, Skylar wasn’t even sure he was going. He thought he’d just enjoy a nice time with his sister and forget that he overheard that party and where it was located. [color=lightblue]“But what if I don’t want to?”[/color] He asked, suggesting that he didn’t want to go. [color=f49ac2]“Out of the question,”[/color] Lily refused to allow her brother skipping the party, [color=f49ac2]“You’re going. End of discussion.”[/color] [color=lightblue]“bu--fine.”[/color] He admitted defeat. [color=f49ac2]“Now go put on some nice clothes. You’re going to enjoy that party. You’re going to live it up like it’s 2015.”[/color] [hr] [color=lightblue] “I can’t believe she made me go. This is going to suck,”[/color] Skylar murmured as he arrived at the hotel. Boy was the hotel something magical. The sheer size of the building was at least fifty stories high, perhaps a few higher than that. There was a certain danger that spoke about the hotel. I am the epicenter of the rich, it would say if it could speak. Do not abuse me, it would say also. Skylar was just in awe, but he still went inside, following the trail of dressed-up teens into an elevator. All of them were dressed over-priced ties and jeans, watches that had more value than Skylar’s life ten-times over, and shoes that seemed to be fashion designer-make. Everything about those who were in the elevator was everything that Skylar wasn’t. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans that cost no more than the ten dollars he made from his last album sale and a light blue T-shirt that he bought from the Thrift Shop down the corner from his sister’s apartment. Over it, a dark teal blazer that was the most expensive thing he owned. At retail, it would cost around twenty-five dollars. His shoes were a pair of black dress shoes that he picked up from a friend of his before he moved to Hollywood. And strapped over one shoulder and on his back, despite his sister’s objections, Skylar had brought his guitar. It was within its black case. He didn’t care what she said. He wouldn’t go there without it. Reaching the top, already he could feel his body shaking out of fear and nervousness. So many people and all of them dressed like they just came out a dolce and cabana gift store. What was he going to do? Skylar was so out of his comfort zone. Nobody around seemed like they would take care to notice him. None of them were paying any mind to his arrival and why should they? He was a nobody -- an invisible wall of skinny flesh who just so happened to have a guitar over his shoulder. That was the only thing noticeable about him. Not his long, brown hair and surely not his stubble. Even his eyes weren’t getting any attention. Skylar didn’t want to purposely get any attention to himself either. So, to avoid that, he found himself a spot near the edge of the roof. He leaned against the ledge and looked down. Something about the night air mixed with the sounds of the music was setting the mood right for a peaceful and solitude-filled night for Skylar. As long as no one came over, everything would be alright.