[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/46/34/75/463475b7769391a38e68cff2685be507.jpg[/img] Name:Jakon Arturius Age:24 Description:Picture as above, athletically well muscled. Getting slightly more worn from lack of access to good food. Gender:Beard, short hair, penis. Pretty sure I'm a bloke. Family: Four brothers and a sister back home in Australia, all alive and well at last contact. Personality:Always seems to be sarcastic, wearing a wry grin at the most inappropriate times. Normally lighthearted, however he can be brutal at times. His humour often hiding darker thoughts and emotions. Bio: Jakon grew up in a loving family struggling to get by occasionally having to fall back on crime to make sure there was enough food on the table to supply all his loved ones. The crimes progressed over time, initially just shoplifting from supermarkets it soon became B&E followed soon by grand theft auto. After doing a short stint in Juvy he was released and quickly fell back in with the wrong crowd, joining a local biker gang straight out of school. From there things where slightly different, the crimes now involved gunrunning, murder and witness coercion. But he had learnt his lesson, and covered his tracks. Working through the ranks for the last few years he has finally taking some personal time and headed away from his home of Australia to ride some of the famous and not so famous american roads. Job:Biker/Professional criminal enforcer/B&E expert Fear:Phobia of drowning. Fear of being helpless. [hider=Weapons] Weapons of choice: [img]http://static1.1.sqspcdn.com/static/f/326980/16104517/1326909020973/chiappa+1887+t+series+shotgun.jpg?token=%2Ft9smexTAmD1rx8nUt9SNEx3W6c%3D[/img] [img]http://www.chiinnature.com/images/2012/DSC_2667.JPG[/img] [img]http://iris.backcountry.com/image/view/45591/900/900[/img] [/hider]