Well, here he was, time to shine, make or break, all the lines he'd heard in the holovids. Rian thought putting that big, white, four layered bucket would've felt more accomplishing. If anything it just exasperated his nerves. He'd paid close enough attention to the briefing, though he did have to stifle some disappointment. True, they were gathering intel on what could possibly be a growing rebel cell, and even Rian knew you couldn't expect to be sent on the 'glitz and glamour' assignments when you almost got the boot from training, but nobody liked being put through years of some of the most agonizing training the Empire had to offer just to feel like a glorified security patrolman, did they? If that's where the Stormtrooper Corps had seen fit to put him, Winoda'd at least make sure to look good while doing it. He put on his helmet, stood up straighter than a lightsaber, and fell in behind his superiors, rifle in hand. Walking through a prefabricated military outpost wasn't a shockingly new experience for Rian, though the looks of awe he caught from some of your average every day Imperial troopers was just a little bit disorienting, but not unwelcome. It was probably the first time since he got out of the Academy that he actually felt like maybe all that hellish training was worth it. This was, of course, before he actually stepped out into the slums of Ryloth. Though nobody could see it under his helmet, Rian's demeanor had almost instantly soured. Didn't graduation from Stormtrooper Academy meant he wouldn't have to deal with dirt and dung (or at least, he hoped it was dung) anymore? Rian'd already decided he'd only speak when spoken to when it came to his first assignment, considering he'd probably be spending the majority of his time trying to make sure he didn't fuck up. After that first impression, he couldn't help but feel like he wasn't particularly accepted into the group yet, something he could only ascertain would change over time. That or he'd be the one everyone hated. Every group had one of those. The squadron's newest member was shaken from his thoughts when 'Bossman's' voice had decided to give he and his fellow private a lecture. He didn't want to turn the slum into a war-zone? From where Rian was standing, the place already [i]was[/i] a war-zone.