[hider=Detective Daniel Anderson][center][h2]Frost[/h2] [i][h3]"Why don't you take a chill pill?"[/h3][/i] [u][h3]Vitals[/h3][/u] Name: Daniel Joshua Anderson Age: 29 Sex: Male Date of birth: 22nd May, 1986 Lineage: - Class/Major: Rogue Class/Minor: Mage Occupation: Detective Alignment: Chaotic Good Marital Status: Widower Birthplace: New York, New York Blood Type: B+ Eye Color: Blue Height: 6' Weight: 177 lbs Hair Color/Style: Snow white, waist length hair tied into a long, thin ponytail. General Appearance: Anthropomorphic wolf. Normally wears a thick hoodie over a shirt, a grey square cap on his head, jeans and sneakers. His hands are usually adorned with a pair of plain black fingerless gloves. Skin Tone/Condition: Normal grey wolf fur colours. Markings: Two sky blue arrows that start on his cheeks, pointing towards his eyes. The other ends of the arrows travels as stripes down his neck, shoulders and onto his arms, where they end as arrows again on the tops of his hands. These markings glow a pale blue. [u][h3]Combat Stats[/h3][/u] Dominant Hand: Right Equipment: -Upper Body: Nil -Lower Body: Nil [u]Weapons[/u][list] [*]Black Blade - A standard length katana with a wholly black blade, the sword is Daniel's power focus. He can channel his ice energy into it to make it flash freeze anything he hits, and it is also bound to him; he can summon it anywhere he chooses to. [*]Eagles - Two IMI Desert Eagle pistols with engraved grips. These pistols, born from magical energy, do not run out of ammunition, instead shooting bullets of compressed magic. In turn, Daniel can channel his ice into the guns to make them shoot ice bullets that freeze their targets solid. [/list] [u]Abilities[/u][list] [*]Super Speed - 0-60 in 2.6 seconds, max speed 190 mph. [*]Enhanced Strength - Able to lift 1/2 ton (1,000 lbs). [*]Enhanced Reflexes - fast enough to catch a humming bird in mid flight or an arrow in mid flight. [*]Heightened Senses - Smell, sight, hearing, range of 50 meters (100 feet). [/list] [u]Magic[/u][list] [*]Ice Elemental - Daniel, once flesh and bone, is now a being wholly made of ice. His intensive training with the element has made him so in tune with it that he has become one with the cold. As such, basic physical attacks to his body cannot harm him, as he will simply refreeze any injuries he suffers. He is also highly skilled in the use of ice magicks. Magical attacks, however, will cut past the ice that once was his flesh and injure his inner being, making him bleed in that sense. [*]Mark of the Rogue - Representing the Rogue, Daniel is able to travel at speeds faster than the naked eye can follow, along with being able to easily navigate terrain, staying out of sight and being a very fast attacker. All this emphasis on speed does reduce his ability to hit harder than he's normally able to. [/list] [u][h3]Bio[/h3][/u] Voice: Deep, raspy, compelling. Personality: Cool and collected, cunning and lethal, Daniel makes it a point to let everyone know that he means business and that if you cross him, bad things will happen to you. That being said, he treats his friends with the utmost care and concern; if you are on his good side, you are a best friend to him. Acquaintances that have likewise earned his trust and respect are people whom he will also treat very well. Backstory: Born in New York City, Daniel Anderson took into his father's footsteps by enrolling in the NYPD and becoming an officer. With hard work and determination, he took up his late dad's desk as a detective and began a long, hard career in the service. Near his fifth year in the office he was taken over by a powerful celestial force known as the Protectorate, and was transformed into a Protector; a powerful demigod whose sole purpose was to ensure the safety of the world. He trained with the best and made many friends around the world, demigods one and all. Together he and his Guardians went on many an adventure, with the safety of the planet often hanging in the balance. After several decades, Earth began to decay. Society collapsed, the environment ran rampant and turned the world into a wasteland. Still he persevered, though the more years he spent on the earth, the more of his Guardians fell to the ravages of time, age and injury. It was then that he realised that the world didn't need him any more; it was dying, and soon it would be time for the demigod, now nearly a full god in terms of power, to leave for greener pastures. One of the remaining Guardians suggested that he venture into the multiverse; a plane where worlds and universes collided, an interdimensional highway, so to speak. An endless amount of possibilities lay within, and the promise of more power. So he went, leaving the ailing Earth to the care of the remaining Guardians, and entered the multiverse as a wanderer. Now Daniel is no longer a god. He considers himself more of an elemental than anything else. His wanderings have brought him far and wide, though recognition is sparse. A run-in with a Dreamer ages ago was the closest he'd been to making a friend in the multiverse. [/center][/hider]