[center][img]http://i61.tinypic.com/2ytvbc0.jpg[/img] [h1][color=7ea7d8]Katsu Hyūga[/color][/h1][/center] Seeing Akio give him a look as the big reveal happened, he sighed [color=7ea7d8]"You damned if you did something, your doomed if you don't, if she killed the hokage, then I'm sure that she would have had no problem killing you either, that is all I am going to say about it, you can hate me if you want, but like I said, we cant afford to lose more people, more than we already have in fact"[/color] he was however shocked himself, it had struck him weird that Fuji and Ayama were missing, but for them to be the ones that caused all of this? No to Katsu it wasn't even a thought, it wasn't even close to what he expected to be the case. Quickly he approached Fujitora, he held his hands up in a way that meant he only wanted to talk [color=7ea7d8]"Have a moment to speak with me Fuji? I'm not gunna sit here and pretend your sister didn't just kill the hokage, but...with what you're talking about, this whole persona you've seemed to have stirred up, I cannot say that it does not exist, that Konoha is at a point in time, that peace has been a bigger picture. I can agree with your sister, Konoha is but a shell of what it was, but my I ask why this has become such a problem, that you decided to take it into your own hands in this way?"[/color] He looked at Ayama and then back to him [color=7ea7d8]"I will forever respect what you do Fuji, because I know you and your sister are smart people, and we've been good friends for a time. But, looking around now, does making a show out of killing the Hokage, send the right message? That this will be for the better, for the change of Hidden Leaf? Does showing that by killing people who stand for another purpose show to the younger generation? I know, they aren't dumb and they will make their own choices, but showing that you can kill someone to change something drastically like this, shows to the younger children that killing is something without meaning. Strike me down where I stand if you disagree with me, but that is my question, I want to know what you think, because I know you do things that you see fit in your own way, point in case here...[/color]" he slowly grabbed a cigarette from his pocket and then lit it, before putting his hands in his pockets, ready for an attack if were to come. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/1Wwx7oA.png[/img] [h1][color=fdc68a]Chihiro Hyūga[/color][/h1][/center] Chihiro watched as Gin and N.C.4 started to attack the two men and then suddenly one of them being lunched up into the air. Hearing a drop into the water of the sewer, she looked and saw that N.C.4 was quickly approaching her, making her tense less. [color=fdc68a]"Good to see you too Jun, figured you got tired of watching them attack me eh?[/color]" she made a light hearted joke before turning and trying to figure out what they could possibly do in the situation at hand. Hearing splashing, she turned and used her byakugan to see that the boy was again chasing him [color=fdc68a]"Fuck Fuck Fuck, alright, so I hope you planned something to hold him up, but the white haired guy with the sword, he's coming and I know what im at a level that i can fight, but not purely a face to face battle-"[/color] looking around she looked from left to right [color=fdc68a]"We need to get out of here, immediately, we're like sitting ducks down here, and I don't suppose you have any ideas either right now..."[/color] Looking around the man got closer to them by the sounds of it, putting a hand through her hair, she sighed [color=fdc68a]"alright I think I have a plan, but be ready to move alright?"[/color] she moved forward [i][color=fdc68a]"Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm!"[/color][/i] she pushed out forwards towards the ceiling of the sewer, making it crack and then she used it again, until it cracked even more. She used it once more and quickly grabbed Jun's hand [color=fdc68a]"Alright lets go!"[/color] she said before pulling them along and quickly moving out of the way as the sewer ceiling caved several meters in and keeping the two chasing her from catching up, for now. Jumping up, she let go of Jun's hand, putting her hand on her headset she quickly started talk to both of them, though jun was behind her, running away from the now sunk in road [color=fdc68a]"Alright Jun, think you can find a way out of this mess? Car, anything to at least give us an edge, or we can wait it out and let those two get caught by the ninja here, but that's risky. Gin, im heading back towards you, get your ass into overdrive, I gave us a small window, maybe, but it's something"[/color] she lowered her hand and quickly started running faster towards the direction of Gin through alleyways, trying to avoid the ninja looking for them.