[h1][center][b]You Die At the End[/b][/center][/h1] Nobody knows why the world ended. While people certainly did know where it started, those people are all since dead. In that sense, nobody knows where it began, when it began. All that is known is how the world ended. The all-engulfing darkness that takes away all it touches. You've lived in this small village, a mining village, for all your life. You know everyone who lives here as well as two people can know each other. And now, each and every one of you can see the end of the world approaching, that hellish darkness creeping in from outside the village wall. The estimate is seven days. It might be a little bit more or a little bit less, but regardless, it cannot be denied. Soon the darkness will reach you. Here, we explore a central theme. When death draws near, what do you do? Some will wallow in despair. Some will chase after hope and fight to the end. Some will make their bucket list and set on to fulfill it. Some people will decide everything has already ended, and act free of morals. Some will keep on trying to live normally, since death always mattered to them. This is a roleplay designed to be bitter. Do not come here expecting a power fantasy, or magical girl hijinks, or a grand strategy battle. Nothing's wrong with any of those, but this is not their place. Come here expecting to play a character. That is all. Live those last days of your life as you desire. Maybe there's a chance, however infinitely small, that you can find a way to survive, but who's to say? All that stands before you are your friends, family, and that ever encroaching darkness. And as each day passes and it moves just a bit closer, you watch as the end comes. You watch as it takes away the mountains at the horizon, the lake where you fished as a child, the woods where the kids used to play, the very sky itself, and one simple thought flows through your mind. You die at the end. [hider=CS] [b]Name:[/b] You should know what this means. Feel free to list nicknames and whatnot. [b]Age:[/b] Self-explanatory. [b]Gender:[/b] Don't be difficult about this, please. [b]Appearance:[/b] A picture or a written description is fine. If the former, feel free to put it centered up at the top of the CS and such. [b]Occupation:[/b] The role they have in the town. Due to it being a small town, most occupations will be limited to one or two people, so try to have some diversity. [b]Personality:[/b] Don't skimp on this. [b]History:[/b] How's their life been up until this point, how has it shaped them as a person? How did they first react to the realization that the end of the world was coming? [hider=Relationships] Here's where you'll put a list of other accepted characters, and how your character feels about/interacts with each of them. Feel free to discuss these matters OOC, so everything's cogent between all of the characters [/hider] [/hider] [hider=NPCs] Characters played by yours truly. On account of the number of people we have interested, I'll be making fewer of these than I initially anticipated. I'll have them up once I can, but I'm a bit under the weather and don't want to churn out shoddy work, so it may take a day or two. [/hider] [hider=The Town] The town, aptly named "Haven", is bordered on all sides by a worn brick wall a few feet in height. Said wall isn't very imposing, and in fact can be fairly easily climbed by the residents who still have a spring in their steps. Its main purpose is dissuading the occasional animal that comes out of the forest. There are two entrances, wooden doors at the north and south end of the village. To the east is a lightly forested area. About fifteen minutes of walking to the east will place you at a small lake. While the lake was once used as a water source for the town, that has not been the case for quite a while, as there are now plenty of wells interspersed throughout the town. As such, the lake has become a sort of recreational zone for activities like fishing. Further to the east, the forest gets notably denser and there are a fair amount of wild animals about; for this reason, few townspeople venture past the lake. A short walk to the north is the coal mine that has served as a primary income source for the town; a couple of times in the past the residents have needed to bring in harvested coal to the nearest city (several hours away) for sale, but thankfully what almost always happens is that representatives of a company the village is partnered with come once a month to collect what coal has been mined in that time, and offer payment in return. The mine originally used blast mining, but in more recent years there has been a push towards continuous mining, though it is not fully implemented yet.[/hider]