Robin had tucked herself away in the conservatory for the last hour or so. She hated being locked inside this machine, sure it was quicker but with no fresh air and tight quarters it was hard not to feel like a prisoner. The armed guards didn't make things any better. Half of her own "crew" was carrying weapons of sorts. Robin had done her best to keep her cool. The sight of guns brought up memories she had worked long and hard on forgetting. Here in the conservatory she could at least watch the sky around her. Pretend like she was outside soaring amongst the clouds free from the metal beast currently containing her wild spirit. Watching the clouds roll lazily past her Robin found herself curious about the expedition she was currently on. Armed men, a doctor, prestigious professors and.... her? Sure she was good at navigating the wilderness but was she really needed? From what little studying she had done the archipelago wasn't too different geographically from what they were used to back home. If it boiled down to a lack of wilderness experience Robin could have simply given them a crash course overy a week or so then sent them merrily along their way. But things had to be mysterious, promising excitement and adventure. Two words that always tugged at Robin's heart. She sighed and leaned her head against the glass window. As if on cue Oso stopped toddling around the conservatory floor and made his way to Robin. He pushed his head under Robin's arm and curled into her lap. He licked her face a few times before cooing gently and closing his eyes. Robin couldn't help but smile as her anxiety faded, if but only for a moment.