Her face reddened as Kayleth patted her shoulder. She wasn't sure what was more unnerving, Kayleth's calm and steady manner, or how quickly she finished up while making Isabeau look like a paranoid nitwit. She seemed to have a knack for sticking her foot in her mouth lately. As much as she tried to stay quiet and observe, when she did decide to speak, it rarely worked out in her favor. Perhaps it had more to do with the fact that she was completely and utterly lost in her new role, whatever that was. She wasn't used to having to interact with others, or rely on others for help. She let out a heavy sigh and nodded to the woman. Quickly and quietly, she moved off the stool and began to redress, leaving Kayleth to mend the dwarf's wounds. Her injuries left her muscles tender and sore. It was a chore just to bring her arms through the sleeves and near impossible to actually bind up the bodice. Finally, it was loose, but it was done. During this time, Tirarrian managed to find herself a new friend. He was quite imposing, but all that Izzy could focus on at the moment was his amazingly comfortable looking lioness hood. Dawn would probably be among them soon and she had neither ate nor slept. All of this left her a bit woosy, but she would attempt to make her way past them and to the door. She didn't know which she wanted first; sleep or food. A thought suddenly crept up and she shuddered. [Color=darkcyan][i] As long as I don't fall asleep while eating, I should be fine [/i][/color] [@The Fated Fallen] [@Dragoknighte] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity] [Center]~~~*~~~[/center] The old man grumbled. The young lad was still intent on his own quest and left without even hearing the details of what would await them in the mountains. "Now you listen here, boy.", the old man said as his hand grappled the cuff of Robert's shirt, trying to keep his attention. "This is very important, so pay attention. You seem like a smart fella, and I even bet you helped save this town not even a day ago. There is an artifact, a stone, in the heart of the mountains that just might end this war for good. Take anything you wish, but you bring that stone back to me, you hear? There are two dragons that guard the treasure, so you'll need a group of fine warriors to help you." His grasp lightened, his lack of strength finally catching up with him as he sunk back into himself. "Now run along. Dawn will be upon you soon.", the old man cackled and hobbled along to the stair case that led up to the guest rooms. Within a blink of an eye, he seemed to disappear within the crowd, leaving Robert to think about his current path. [@KazeXDZ] [@boomlover]