[hr][h1][I]Khan & [color=aba000]The Wolfhound[/color][/I][/h1] [i]Written in collaboration with [b][@swich01][/b][/i][hr] Burnmark hit the ground, before she nor Khan could even react, they were hit with a sneak attack. Burnmark had been hit from behind by the raging firepower of an assault rifle. Khan quickly turned around, looking over her shoulder, and the first thing she saw was Burnmark's dead body on the ground. It couldn't be seen from underneath her gas mask, but her mouth was agape. Her eyes drifted upwards, towards the man that definitely shot her. Tears rushed down her eyes, as she pointed her M23 at him, screaming a one-liner. "[I][b]I'LL MAKE YOU PAY, YOU MOTHERFUCKER![/b][/I]" Before she pulled the trigger, then round after round was let loose from her grenade launcher. Exploding on impact with the walls. Debris and other scraps dropped from the ceiling and walls. This bastard snuck behind a pillar, and Khan grinned. She converted into her mist form, and shot forward, getting an angle on him so that she could make a clean shot on this fuck. [color=aba000]“KHAN YOU BITCH YOU’RE ALREADY DEAD, YOU JUST DON’T KNOW IT YET.”[/color] The second she had a clean line of fire, she turned back into flesh, and aimed her grenade launcher at him. Firing off a couple rounds... and finally running her grenade launcher dry. She reached behind her, and pulled out chamber. Khan appeared out of the mist just to the Wolfhound's right, grenade launcher roaring death. He dove as the explosives tore the room in half. The blast drove his dive into a wall and dropped him to the ground hard. Rolling over he pulled the Milkor launcher off its strap completely feeling something moving around in his chest. Mist was condensing in the hall faster and faster. The Milkor's whamming retort sounded three times in quick succession. Canisters of riot gas bounced around spewing smoke into the room. [color=aba000]“Nice trick Khan, can you do it in this gas too?.”[/color] "Fuck you." Khan hissed through the gas mask, and began turning into mist herself. She'd just get another angle on this fuck, then blast him to fucking pieces! When her body, and weapons, turned into mist, Khan noticed something. It was harder than it should have been, taking more energy out of her. The tear gas was getting in between the process. She growled, as she covered her eyes, and began moving out of the smoke - her eyes and mouth burning like hell. She managed to fully transform into mist, and quickly dove out of the way of the gas. Looks like they were packing similar weapons here. Except, Khan had the advantage of her power making her invulnerable to physical harm. Though, she had another idea in mind. She aimed her grenade launcher above Martin's head, and unleashed all six grenades at the ceiling. Rubble and rocks came falling on top of Martin. Blasted by concussive force the Wolfhound was brought to his knees only to be battered by a barrage of fixtures and rubble. Pain wracked his body and blood ran down his face from a gash in his hairline. He could taste it in his mouth. Metallic. Warm. Letting the metal and concrete fall off him he stood like a reverent from a grave of stone. The armor at least prevented any penetrating damage. Laughing he charged toward Khan firing as he went. The twinge of battered muscles forced into action was familiar and faithful, a reminder that nothing but the fullest violence would carry the fight. Expecting her transformation into mist as she shook the spent shells from the laucher, he snarked "Oh dear wherever could she be?" as he flipped his rifle around and swung behind himself in a whistling arc. When The Wolfhound ran at her, Khan, predictably turned into mist. Scattering her form so that she was virtually invisible. She fully reformed behind Martin a few seconds later a la teleportation, and got ready to shoot him point blank. However, Martin saw it coming, and he caught her off guard when he swung his rifle around. Khan quickly threw up her own weapon, and absorbed the impact of Martin's blow. Gritting her teeth as she was pushed back a few inches. Khan took a step back, and responded in full, swinging the butt of her M23 like a baseball bat towards Martin's head. The Wolfhound's left fist swept out in a backhanded blow against the launcher which crashed against his armored forearm. "If this is the best you have". It span off into the thickening gas. "Then I'm going to tear you apart bitch". His right fist arced down as his feet swiftly took a half step in. [I]Fuck![/I] Khan thought to herself as the grenade launcher flew out of her hands, and hit the ground. She would have ran over to grab it, but the Wolfhound was pushing in on her. He swung his fist for a right hook. Khan sidestepped it, pushing his fist aside with her other hand, before going in for a punch to his core. The Wolfhound curled in his stomach letting the strike hit the plate there with a grin, she'd feel that. The gas was thick enough to obscure most of the room from the pair as they slung blows. He brought his left palm in a short jab to strike the side of her head to set up the next blow. Khan shook her hand as she realized her mistake - on impact, it felt like she just drove her fist into a wall. That'll hurt in the morning. She kept her fists up, ready to block. However, she couldn't see in the gas that well - which let her get hit with Martin's next strike. A palm to her head, which made her stumble back a few steps. She shook her head, and got ready for Martin's next move. Teeth bared at his opponent's reaction his hips pivot and his leg cocks to an angle. With all the power of his twisting body the Wolfhound capitalizes on the distance between them and his armored shin catapults audibly forward towards his foes neck. This would be the end if she was an unworthy opponent. [I]Fuck![/I] Khan thought to herself as she heard the action. The first thing she did was dive off to the side, and she heard the kick whip off to the side. She raised her head, and got ready for his next attack. Jesus Christ, she couldn't best this fuck like this. "[color=aba000]HA HA HAA GOOD KHAN GOOD, THIS IS WHAT DOGS LIKE US DO[/color]" The Wolfhound followed his barking by dropping his boot back to the floor and launching a series of swift steps toward his foe, throwing a hail of jabs. His foe seeming to wilt under the assault. The Wolfhound's attacks immediately made Khan backpedal. As she took steps back, she managed to narrowly avoid his blows - with a few connecting, and forcing her to backpedal faster. She hit the railing, and peaked backwards. What was behind her was a clear drop to the lobby. She grinned. Khan waited for Martin to get close to her, before grabbing him by his belt, then grabbing his armor near his arm. She quickly took two steps to turn herself around, with him over her shoulder, then using all her strength, she heaved him over her shoulder. To his death (She hoped). "[b]LOOK WHO'S THE DOG [I]NOW![/I][/b]" Khan shouted as Martin went flying. Like the worthy foe she was she turned his advantage into her own. His grin faltered as he saw the drop yawn out beneath him. As his weight shifted over the railing the corners of his bloody mouth arced out again and his hand flew out. Gripping Khan by the face he heaved her over with him. "[color=aba000]THE BITCH HAS BALLS HA[/color]". Though as he tried to pull her in front of him his hand whipped round clutching nothing but mist. [I]Fuck I actually forgot about that.[/I] he thought before he smashed through one of the glass signs he'd lamented the stupidity of earlier. With a shower of glass shards following him his back slammed into a protruding banister, the armor plate solidifying and sparing his spine though not diminishing the pain of it. The Wolfhound howled out as the decent bounced him from side to side and eventually terminating on the marbled floor of the lobby. Though the armor could weather the force of a small nation's armed forces, gravity is quite invisible to those ungifted in it's mitigation. The Wolfhound's left arm was twisted at an unnatural angle. Pain flared across his face and chest from a host of broken bones and a punctured lung. "Aaaaaaaah!" Khan screamed as she was pulled over the edge by Martin with him. Though, Martin made a huge error, and it hit him hard once she simply turned into mist. She flew back up onto the floor their fight took place on, and turned over her shoulder to watch him fall. He hit the ground floor... and Khan didn't feel it was good enough. This fuck killed Burnmark, and he needs to pay. In blood. Because Khan's going to make it slow, and painful. She walked back over, and picked up her grenade launcher, and slung it over her shoulder. Khan turned back into mist. Then lazily began floating back down to the bottom. The Wolfhound lay before her gasping among the dead Fiends and agents, the screams of the wounded and dying filling the air.