"[color=f26522]Wow, this teacher's a strict one...Doesn't really help that he didn't explain how to do this thing before doing it[/color]", muttered Hikaru. The technique, or whatever this was supposed to be, was much easier seen than done for Hikaru. All he saw was a guy walking on the wall, and then the ceiling. He had some idea of how to something. For a moment, he just continued to stare at the wall. He had no idea what to do. It was a wall, not a floor. Unless he wanted them to think of it as a floor. Hikaru shook his head at the thought. It probably isn't as simple. Hikaru pondered on what to do. He considered just trying it out, but with the fact that he didn't know what he was doing still in his head, he would just look even more like an idiot. This was exactly as difficult as he thought it would be...or maybe not. Maybe he was overthinking it. With a frustrated sigh, he started gripping his head, trying to figure it out, ending his little thinking rage with yet another sigh. [i][color=f26522]What was it that he said to do? 'Relax your body and mental state?'...Something about a battle...scolding the other guy that just stated that he was going to be completely dedicated to learning and success...Man, this first day's bringing out my worst thoughts. This does not bode well for the future.[/color][/i] It took another moment of frustrated thinking before he just gave up. He looked up at the wall, and just decided to do the next best thing. Within a moment, Hikaru ran up the wall and onto the ceiling from where he once stood, hoping that the large chance of him injuring himself would force his instincts to do the job for him. When he looked up toward the floor, he realized that this was a bad idea. However, it was not a fruitless one. For a second, nothing much to consider that good, a small spark of light kept him from falling, but in the end, he ended up crashing into one of the desks. Hikaru rubbed his head as he got up. "[color=f26522]Ow...[/color]"