[center][b]Name:[/b] Maya Lavandula Age: 27 Archon of: Water[/center] [center][hider=Maya's Face][img]http://i.imgur.com/EjnfnJH.jpg?1[/img][/hider][/center] [b][u]Physical Attributes[/u][/b] [b]Apearance:[/b] With long muscular legs and a toned torso, Maya’s physique resembles that of an Amazon warrior. She is roughly 5’11 and 140 pounds. Her posture is upright and commanding due to years of royal etiquette training. Coming from an alien race, her features are slightly more angular than those of a human. In addition, her hair ripples down her back like a silver waterfall, and her eyes are piercing pools of aquamarine. [b]Physical Weaknesses:[/b] Low pain tolerance…definitely still a princess in that regard. Maya is easily broken if the ones she loves are in danger, causing her to be reckless and self-destructive at times. She is agile, but not fast. She can’t run long distances without tiring out easily. Also, she sucks at shooting guns –basically has the aim of a blind person, so hit the deck if you see her holding a gun. [b]Physical Strengths:[/b] Years of self-defense training are ingrained in her brain, allowing her to excel in hand-to-hand combat when pitted against someone her own size. While she is slow on land, she is incredibly fast in the water due to her Archon abilities. Maya can also hold her breath for long periods of time underwater. Her strong upper body and powerful legs allow her to climb easily. Archon related strengths include her being able to control the element of water; she can lift it, move it, shape it, and can absorb it from anything…even living beings. [u][b]Mental Attributes[/b][/u] [b]Personality:[/b] By now, Maya has been through a lot. While she has never been overwhelmingly bubbly or flamboyant, she was much cheerier in her youth. The events that have taken place shattered her like a piece of pottery; the cracks may be glued back together so that she resembles her old self; however, the scars are still present. Despite being broken, she hangs onto the regal elegance of her past life. She continues to uphold a level of clear-headedness and retains her penchant for logic. Unlike the others, she isn’t spurred on by revenge or tainted by cynicism. If anything, this whole ordeal has made her more compassionate and loving towards the ones she holds most dear which compels her to fight harder than ever before. [b]Likes:[/b] Archon of Time, swimming, drinking, fluffy clouds, waterfalls, starry nights [b]Dislikes:[/b] Being alone, being tickled, feeling helpless, fire, nightmares [b]Phobias:[/b] Losing the ones she loves. Letting people down. Being left behind. Burning to death. Falling from great heights. Mind control. [u][b]Background[/b][/u] [b]Biography:[/b] Maya hails from the planet Neodomus (New Home) which is inhabited by aque sapiens, a sister species to homo sapiens (There is a huge backstory to this planet, but that is a story for another time). Maya was born into royal blood. Her father reigned as king over the territory of Jaspae, and her mother, unbeknownst to Maya, was the godlike Archon Aquarius. Her early childhood years brimmed with fond memories as her parents lavished love and attention upon the young princess. Unfortunately, that cheerful chapter of her life ended abruptly at the age of seven when an unknown villain slashed both of her parents’ throats while they slept. The responsibility of the throne was thrust upon Maya like a yoke upon an ox. While there was a Council of Nobles established in order to help guide the young ruler, they were anything but helpful as they paraded under the pretense of good intentions. Maya saw them for the vile creatures they were; greed and lust for power saturated every fiber of their beings. For years, she struggled to maintain control over her country while simultaneously undergoing private lessons in both scholarly subjects and physical combat. She loved her country, but she abhorred the crushing societal pressures which accompanied the crown and throne. Once again, Maya’s life changed drastically when a mysterious man by the name of Marcus Skylark washed up on her castle’s beach. Mistaken as a spy, Marcus, the Archon of Light, was brought before Maya. Upon realizing that the young ruler was the daughter of the Archon Aquarius, Marcus propositioned a ludicrous story wherein Maya was some magical descendant capable of wielding great power. Furthermore, the strange man spoke of a war going on…one that involved her parents’ murderer. It took quite a bit of convincing, but Maya ultimately came to terms with her destiny as she agreed to go with Marcus on the [i]Leviathan[/i]. After embarking with Marcus and the other Archons, Maya went from spoiled royalty to skilled warrior. Imbued with the elemental power of water, she felt unstoppable (and more than a little bit cocky). The Archons easily overcame the initial scrimmages with minimal damage. Yes, the Archons were good, great even, but little did they know that there was someone so much better and [i]so[/i] much worse than they could have ever imagined. It was a losing battle. Friend by friend, comrade by comrade, Maya witnessed the Archons die, a piece of herself dying with each one. During the final battle, the Archons of Light, Time, and Water fought ferociously, like wild animals trapped in a corner, but it was to be the end of another chapter. As they faced the permanent oblivion of death, the Archon of Time made a last-ditch effort to save them all by sending them back to the beginning. Humbled by the horrors she experienced, Maya enters a new timeline with the determination to save the ones she loves and conquer Ragnarok once and for all. [u][b]Combat Information[/b][/u] [b]Typical form of combat:[/b] Close combat with precise and graceful blows. Her assaults are deliberate and calculated. When given the opportunity, she will stalk and observe an enemy before engaging in conflict. She likes to figure out weaknesses. [b]Preferred Team Role:[/b] Assault / Flank Attack [b]Weapon:[/b] Capella – Trident that is an Archon heirloom which helps to enhance her powers. [b]Unique Equipment:[/b] Eh, not really.