Sana looked over to Fiona, having been slowly brought out of the daze she was in by her words. She could only nod slowly to answer her question, a bit too much in shock to form any coherent words right then. Sana had one sister but the woman that the child could not have been her. The woman had dark hair, which was not a trait of those born into the family. If that had been Arianas mother, she must have married into the troop from another group. The Rawn family though had been large, so the best Sana could conclude was that Ariana was a cousin in some form. Either way, the child was blood, most likely the last living relative she had. Sighing slightly she took a long breath and pulled back from the childs embrace. "Well, I think you need a few things," Sana said in a shaky voice. "Done eating?" "Yup, yup," Ariana said joyfully as she rubbed her belly. Sana nodded and rose from her place, taking the little ones hand and walking silently out of the inn towards the general store. Sana had told the sister she had wanted to get the child some clothing before they left but right then, what she needed the most was some fresh air. She figured the walk to the general store was as good an excuse as any. She had told Hugh that if they were not still eating when he came down where they would be. She groaned inwardly as Ariana skipped next to her thinking about everything she needed to tell Hugh. This could turn out to be a rather awkward conversation. Sister Agnes watched the events unfold from her seat in silence, wondering to herself what was going to happen now. Hearing a door shut upstairs she glanced towards the stairs to see Fiona descending from upstairs. Rising from her spot she walked over to the fiery haired woman and smiled. "Fiona, a word?" she said in a kind voice from the bottom of the stairs. "I have spoken with the people of the village. Well those that had influence as it were. Yesterday morning some asked what all we could provide and well, there was nothing but now after the events of rest of the day we would like you all to take the horses that were the slavers as well as the wagon you brought the freed back in. I hope that is okay, I figured it would help make the quest go faster being able to either have everyone on horseback or in the wagon instead of having to walk constantly. Is that alright?"