[hider=Astrid] Name: Astrid Grayson Age: 19 Age appears to be: 19 Species: Human Pic:[img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/67/640x886_12181_Raina_2d_fantasy_portrait_woman_girl_red_hair_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] Bio/History/Backstory: Before joining Dawn, Astrid was an orphan who grew up on the streets, and she quickly learned how to fend for herself. This was made even easier using her unique power. She was able to sense someone’s intentions and feelings, she knew if a seemingly kind man was genuine or had some form of sinister intent beneath. After joining Dawn, Kane had taken her on as his guard. Astrid was smitten with Kane, and she trained rigorously every day to impress him and be able to serve him better. Faction/Side/Alignment/Goals: On the surface, she is just a loyal Agent of Dawn doing her part to create a better future, but her loyalty runs much deeper. She has fallen in love with Kane, and would likely do anything he wished of her. Personality: Astrid is very serious when it comes to her duties as Kane’s personal guard. She gets very upset when Kane places himself in unnecessary danger, and reprimands him whenever he behaves recklessly. She is generally a kind person, though she can be a bit hard-headed at times. She can also be slightly cocky on occasion. Powers: She is an empath. Weapons: She favors silver throwing knives and a machete with silver edging. Skills: For a human, she is very fast and agile. She is skilled with her throwing knives and her machete. Themesong: N/A [/hider] [hider=Victor] Name: Victor Age: Well over two-thousand years old. Age appears to be: 17 Species: Vampire Pic: [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/0091b0164ac78d352cb13cb7976e193a/http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/12000000/smile-anime-guys-12082279-850-1002.jpg[/img] Bio/History/Backstory: Victor doesn’t even remember his own origins, he just “was”, one day. He liked to spend his time messing with mortals. One of his favorite games was to drive innocent people mad by harassing them in the night after silently stalking them for months or years to learn everything about them. Another was to trick pretty young girls into falling in love with him, before he betrayed them and drained them. By the time the “silly war” broke out, Victor had the lives of countless individuals, mortal and supernatural-kind alike, to answer for. Victor is a wildcard, appearing whenever he chooses to do whatever he wishes. Faction/Side/Alignment/Goals: His loyalty is to himself and his goal is to indulge himself in whatever he fancies. Personality: Victor is cruel and uncaring. He has no boundaries whatsoever. Unless it’s part of his game not to, Victor will say exactly what he is thinking. Powers: Umbrakinesis (The ability to control and manipulate darkness and shadows). He is weaker in daylight, but immensely more powerful at night. When in complete darkness he is at his strongest, and is highly resistant to damage of all kinds. Victor can hide himself in people’s shadows, as well as Shadow Walk. He can temporarily blind his opponents. Weapons: Whatever he summons from the darkness. Skills: Victor is well versed in swordplay and stealth. Themesong: N/A Other: Everyone has a history. Everyone has had events happen to them in the past that have changed them. That made them who they are today. [/hider]