[center][h2][color=f7976a]Ayame[/color][/h2] Crocus Park Nero - Eve[/center] Ayame quietly sobbed onto the ground, she had calmed herself down by breathing in and out for quite a long time. It didn't result in much progress of being her usual self again but at least it worked. She lightly rocked her body over the ground hugging her own body in solitary. Ayame felt Nero his hand brush over her eyes to remove the tears from the flood holes so that the blurry sight disappeared once again. Ayame could only sob a little at his good deed but tears were still streaming down her cheeks onto the grass beneath her. Ayame reached out her hand to Nero his face and brushed of some of the remaining glass pieces even though it would only leave more blood from the blood of her own hands. She still displayed a warm smile on her face even though it was clearly visible that she was in pain. Ayame heard Nero mumbling at her but with the lack of the concentration she had right now it was difficult to hear what he was saying. She still knew it were kind words of him and that he was trying to cheer her up. Ayame wiped away the remaining tears on her face even though it wasn't of any use cause she was still crying and got herself up to her knees. Ayame stood up and remained on her feet with the help of Nero. She looked like a mess, clothes covered in dirt and stained with a light green color of the grass. Her face and legs too, even her hair was dirty but still she remained on her feet. The magic she had used just now was pretty much all there was in her body. So she felt pretty weak and tired after using it all up. Ayame slowly walked besides Nero, with her arms firmly wrapped around Nero his arm. She tried to not bother Nero so much with her weight on his arm as much as possible as they continued down the path of the park. They met up with Eve who looked surprisingly calm and continued to get out of this area as quick as possible. Ayame looked back once again, the large arm was still lying there, defeated and broken but Michael seemed unharmed by it. She was sure she hit him but couldn't figure out what happened afterwards.