Before anyone reads this and starts judging, please keep in mind that these questions are literally YEARS old and I simply never deleted them because I felt they would eventually prove useful. I swear I'm capable of asking much more intelligent questions these days :lol 1} How do RAS members contact each other (both within base and when on the same planet)? Do they carry contraptions similar to our modern-day cellphones, bluetooth earpieces, or pagers? Or maybe something similar to Douglas Quaid's in-hand cellular device from the 2012 film Total Recall? And what about between further distances such as from planet to planet (I'm talking from individual to individual, not something like getting a message from base or something like that)? Can someone/anyone have a device that like in their home? 2} Can a regular citizen become immortal through Rebirth/Living Project or is that restricted solely for soldiers and government use? 3} Do soldiers live full-time on whatever base they're stationed at or do they have their own homes,come by base while on active-duty, and return back when off-duty? 4} Can the Rebirth/Living Project reincarnation process be affected by distances? For example, if someone dies planets away from the nearest station as opposed to dying just feet away from the machine, will that change anything? 5} When was the first "Rebirth" machine made, when did the testing start, when was the first successful experiment, and what is the current year?