[i]Never as bad as Felucia, never as bad.[/i] "I still can't believe anything lives here." Norman said rather quietly and with disgust in his voice. This place was beyond a dump, even Felucia was more useful than this place. As he looked out from the landing pad as everyone shuffled down the stairs that was the only thought that even came to his mind. The tail-heads wern't all that useful and not to mention they were generally criminals. He silently wondered to himself why the empire even wasted men here. It would be better to just flatten all the cities with turbo-lasers and building something useful here. But then again the moffs probably had their reasons, they always did. Norman enjoyed the clambering and scrapping of boots on the nice solid stairs all the way down. He knew they were going to be on the dirt and shoddily produced houses for the rest of patrol so he figured he would enjoy the little things. Some of the imperials working in the base seemed almost happy to see the stormtroopers roaming their halls. But they also knew that them being here meant something had come up and warranted their deployment. They would likely take more joy when they were leaving as that meant the problem had been dealt with and their jobs had become easier. He had recently found himself longing for the high-rises of Coruscant. Even the lower levels had atleast some form of artificiality to it as well as cracks of nature put there by the empire. It was certainly more predictable and supremely more civilized than these outer-rim worlds that wouldn't even be fit to lick lord Vader's boot. Once the squad actually piled out of the imperial symbol occupation his mind drifted back from the seat of the empire to the slums stretching in front of him. "Another day in paradise, don't you think? No droids to deal with and no Acklay to blow up with mass-drivers." Normin said sarcastically. Being that he had an DLT-20 Normin got to cover the roof tops with another trooper. His neck had almost felt like it was going to snap a few times during these patrols since there were always people on the roofs. Most of the time they didn't do anything other than watch with apprehension but last time the rookie got popped just because there were more above them then level with them. Tipping his rifle up to fufill his duty he began to smile at all the emaciated twi'leks scurrying away from them. Granted it was tactically better for them to be outside so they could see what they were doing but atleast this way sightlines had a habit of being more clear. His foot came down onto something that seemed rather squishy to him and he guessed it was feces. He didn't bother to look at it considering that every deployment he had at some point stepped in dung.