[center][img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/dea262cdae15a955507aa4d22169ef2c/tumblr_muk3jsoJC31r61syyo2_250.gif[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Zer0 [b]Gender:[/b] Unknown. Presumed male. [b]Age:[/b] Unknown. [b]Species:[/b] ...Unknown. [b]Origin:[/b] Unkn- Oh, Borderlands 2. [b]Personality:[/b] This...is a bit of a mystery. Rather, Zer0 himself is a bit of a mystery. Not even a bit of a mystery;; He's a gigantic mystery. On the forefront, he comes off as a mysterious, quiet assassin, absolutely ruthless in the face of adversaries. Despite being rather silent, he is always ready with a haiku or a quip, sarcastic and dry as they are. He seems to be a bit of a nerd/geek underneath the mask, as he tend to reference things that you wouldn't expect a badass, hardcore assassin to know. He can also come off as a bit of a cocky person, as he's confident, smooth, and sure in every movement he makes, and always seems to have a plan of action for any situation he gets in. Despite all of this, Zer0 has a heart - or, at least, that's what it seems like. If you're a decent person and in a bit of a pickle, and the thing he's doing is somehow related to said pickle, he'll help you get out of that pickle, if only to complete his task at hand. One thing you should note, is that, whenever he doesn't feel the need to speak, he responds in glowing red emoticons that floats in front of his helmet. He's...taunting in that way. A silent, darkly-humored smartass assassin that is also pretty damn badass. All in one package. [b]Abilities:[/b] Master of the blade, extremely accurate/precision with a wide range of weaponry. Has the standard abilities you'd expect a master assassin to have, along with inhuman agility and speed. Has the ability to fade away, leaving a holographic decoy in his place. [b]Inventory:[/b] Digistruct katana, a single Hyperion sniper rifle. ⚓