[center][h2] Chapter Two: The Beginning[/h2][/center] Stale dry air hung in the town's atmosphere, clutching onto the remnants of last night's bitter wind, with an even heavier dampness in the air. The sky was a light grey, warning of a storm to come, churning with the tide along the edges of Lake Erie. The growing piles of leaves alongside bare trees showed no signs of slow, while the edges of yards began to turn yellow and fray like the edges of books. Autumn had set in the town, even going as far as to be broadcast in the news. [color=#fb2e01]"Good morning Erie. I'm Keigan Peele, and we're live on Channel Five. We're here today at The Erie Zoo with Gregory Sanders, who's a zookeeper here at The Erie Zoo, and he's here to tell us a little bit about the zoo's annual fall fundraiser. Greg, can you tell the viewers what will be going on today?"[/color] The reporter pointed his microphone at the mouth of the zookeeper, a tall, cleanly-shaved man in his early 30's. [color=#6fcb9f]"As you know, today is the annual fall fundraiser. This year, we've teamed up with The Hamot Medical Center in Downtown Erie to make a ten dollar donation to The American Cancer Society with every ticket sold. The Girl Scouts of America, Porky's Pizzaria, and Roadrunner's Bar & Grill have also joined this year, and will be hosting a bake sale and hayride, along with a live music performance for the parents."[/color] The camera panned around, showing several different tents in the zoo, along with a horse pulling a wooden wagon filled with hay. [color=#fb2e01]"The Erie Zoo will open and close an hour early today for the fundraiser. We here at channel five hope to see you, bright and early at ten o'clock."[/color] The camera switched to a blonde woman in her twenties, standing in front of a computer animated map. [color=#ffe28a]"Thanks for that, Keigan. If you parents out there are hoping to make it, better bundle the kids up quick, only an hour to make it!"[/color] She said jokingly, chuckling a news-friendly fake laugh. [color=#ffe28a]"And bundle up [i]indeed[/i]!" Temperatures are in the 40's today, so scarves and jacke-"[/color] The TV cut off, and Keira dropped her remote. [color=yellow]"So, last time, just to be sure. Through your [i]feet[/i]?"[/color] [color=0AEB9C][/color] The Andalite said. [color=0AEB9C][/color] The two had spent most of the night awake, unable to sleep. Aside from asking about the alien's anatomy every few minutes, she occasionally tried to lighten the mood with the a joke, to little avail. Keira sipped from a mug decorated with santa hats, checking her phone idly. [color=yellow]"Kimmy said she and Gili will be here soon. Clay just sent that alien smiley face."[/color] She stood up, placing her mug on the coffeetable, alongside a cinderblock labeled "The Truth" in glitter glue. Her apartment was surprisingly modern, with contemporary bookshelves built into the wall, housing an assortment of books and glass vases filled with small cherry blossom branches. Although she had an eye for design, it could also be said that Keira wasn't the neatest person anybody knew -- Old clothes clustered beside the couch, and stacks of papers and folders covered most horizontal surfaces. [color=0AEB9C][/color] The Andalite said in her thought-speak, standing up from her corner for the first time since Keira had snuck her in that night. She was still obviously very shaken from Elfangor's death, and had spoken very little throughout the night. The sudden use of a compound sentence surprised Keira, who turned around to look at the Andalite. [color=yellow]"Thanks, I'll pass the message to the inventor. Also, it's [i]Cell-Phone[/i]."[/color] There was a knock on the door. They were [i]here[/i]. Or at least, one of them was. She opened the door. [color=mediumpurple]"Sweet shirt!"[/color] Zasha said, pointing at Keira's sky blue shirt emblazoned with "[b]IS BUTTER A CARB?[/b]" in bold, block-shaped letters. Zasha wore a black and white hoodie with panda ears at the hood, black track pants, and a ratty pair of white basketball shoes. [color=yellow]"Sweet bear hoodie."[/color] She dryly said, while he and Josh let themselves in. Josh wore a black hoodie, and a dark red fleece jacket. He took his hands out of his jeans, checking his buzzing phone. [color=red]"Groupchat says that the others will be here soon. Let's get this show on the road, eh?"[/color]