Before she'd even opened her eyes Jackie was assaulted by the cloying scent of blood. It was like the shitstorm in Montreal but without the additional scents of drain cleaner and gunsmoke. The noises of the melee outside greeted her ears next. Maybe it was more like the warehouse in Portland then, when they'd been ambushed while cleaning up. Then she realized that she couldn't remember where she was or where she'd been before now. What had Justin gotten her into this time? With the sound of movement elsewhere and that of voices, she decided it was time to open her eyes. Jackie sat up and looked around, tensing herself to get moving at the first sign of trouble. The individuals that were moving about seemed normal enough but the bodies scattered about were definitely not what she had been expecting. Glancing over at James, she decided to Follow his lead and checked for signs of life while keeping an eye out for any weapons she could grab and slip into a pocket. She skipped over anyone that even she would be unable to help, anyone that far gone would be dead soon anyway. [color=00aeef]"I don't know what's going on but it would help to know if you're looking for survivors to help or ones to finish off."[/color]